HPNG-Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The Weasley's and Potter's sat in Florean Fortescues, chatting happily. The children discussed Hogwarts. The houses. The food. The classes. Everything that they could relate to that magical place of wonder that they longed to go to.

"I can't believe I have to wait another three years! I want to go now!"

"Don't we all. I can't wait either. It's just next year for me."

"It'll be so fun! I can't wait for quidditch! I want to be a chaser."

"I don't know. Dad's gotten a lot of injuries in quidditch."

"Ahh don't be a scaredy cat, Al."

"I'm not. I just value my life more than some stupid game."

"It's not stupid! Dad! Tell him it's the best game in history!"

"I'm not saying that it isn't, but let Al have his own opinions."

"Ron!" Hermione cried in surprise, "That was... thoughtful."

"Excuse me? What are you saying? That I'm not usually thoughtful?"

"That's not what I meant. I just didn't expect that."

"Expect what?"

"Oh nevermind." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"She didn't expect you to act considerate. And I think that surprised all of us."

"Oh shut up, Ginny."

"Dad, Dad!!! Can I go down to see the new broom at Quality Quidditch Supplies?"


"Rose, will you go with him?" Hermione asked.

"Why can't he go by himself?"

"He's only seven, Rose. he could get lost."

"I'll be fine."

"Yeah, Mum. He'll be fine. Why do I always have to chaperone him?

"He's your brother."

"He's your son!"



"Hermione, he'll be fine. He's only going to be a couple stores away," Ron said in an attempt to calm them down.

"I'm not letting him go alone. He's too young."

"Then why don't you take him yourself!" Rose said angrily.

"Fine!" Hermone grabbed a scared looking Hugo's hand and marched off. Harry watched them go.

"You've got your grandmother's temper. That's for sure." he said, shaking his head.

"All the Weasley woman do." said Ginny, almost proudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2010 ⏰

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