Chapter VIII

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Rosaline P.O.V

"when my Doctor came back to me three days later with the results he said it was a match, so I had a story and full evidence that Hunter is and will always be my Brother, while we were also waiting for the results to come back, I asked a friend to do a background check on him, the information Hunter told me that day was correct" I concluded, my eyes focusing back on my parents who were too stunned to even blink.

We started at each other, eye-to-eye, no one moved, no one spoke.

"Rosaline we wan-" My Mother started but when I stood quickly she fell back into the sofa in shock at my fast movements.

"I don't want to hear excuses! You had lied to me for twenty-six years!" I hissed all my words were dripping with hate.

"we wanted to tell you but..." My Father tried to explain but there is no explaining this now, if they told me themselves I would feel a little less angry, who am I kidding I would still be furious if they told me themselves.

"but what? But what Father?" the name sounded like a curse coming from me "for twenty-six years I thought I trusted you! For twenty-six years, you kept this secret from me, were you ever going to tell me?" I scream louder that the heavens could probably hear me.

"well, were you?" I questioned further. I kept my glare on their bowed heads, their too ashamed or scared to even look at me.

When my Father looked up at me and was about to open him mouth to answer the pushed question I beat him too it "and don't even think about bullsh*ting me, I want the truth for once or are you both incapable of that?"

He closed his mouth at my words but he once again opened his mouth again to answer "no, we didn't plan on telling you" he looked defeated, they both did. I still can't comprehend that they tried to keep this big secret from me and all for what? for me to find out in the end, they never thought I would find out, they should have known by now that I find out every secret they have, weather I find it one way or another, I will always find out.

"Rosaline please let us explain-" cutting my Mother and Father straight off has become a bad habit of mine over the last few hours, but I'm done with liars, I'm done with fake people who try to trick me.

"don't, I already know enough" I walked over to the window next to the grand piano with my hands locked behind my back "anyways, it's not me that you should explain why you did it to, its Hunter" the thought of Hunter automatically made my eyes drift to the piano, I remember when I first got the piano moved into the sitting room, it was a few days after Hunter had officially moved into the Manor House, I knew he had an interest in music so I bought him a piano think he would start learning, but what I didn't know was how breathtakingly beautiful he actually played. It took him a few months almost a year to let me sit in the same room and watch him play, he never let anyone else sit and watch, only myself which I enjoy honestly.

"when will Hunter be back from Japan?" my Mother questioned a hint of joy edged into her voice.

Averting my eyes back to outside the window watching the trees behind the one garage sway in the August wind, it was oddly calming "he will arrive home in a day's time, he doesn't have any knowledge that you both are here, I wanted to surprise him for his thirty-first birthday which is in a fortnights time, we will be having a banquet in his honour which will be held in Italy, as we have for every banquet or charity event I host it has and always will be held in the birth place of my company, Italy"

"Miss Rosaline-Marie" hearing the voice I know all too well, I turn around noticing Spencer standing in the middle of the archway, Spencer is one of the oldest and kindest employees I have who works in the manor house or even more my whole company. Spencer is close enough to head of the house when I am not around to file orders to other employees around the house, his official job is supposed to be my Personal Butler but over the few months he started working for me he has gained something most people would take years to gain, my trust. He has been working for me for five years now and always seems to have a smile on his face, maybe that's why I see him as a Father figure.

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