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(This is a short, LGBT story. A quick read.)

Hi, Its me again..

It all started with a kiss. In fourth grade I went to a party and decided that I would join in on the fun. It was my turn to kiss the girl of my dreams. But when It happened, It was way different then I had thought it out to be.

I was blind folded in a closet, all I could feel was warm hands on my hips. I felt the embrace of someone getting closer to me. My lips curled up into a smile as our lips touched.

The closet door flew open giving me a chill from the rushing wind. A snap from a cellphone camera was made. I rushed to take my blind fold off getting it half way before I heard a scream from in front of me. With one eye I saw a boy about an inch taller then me.

He had Hazel eyes and blond hair, just like me. It took me a second to realize I had kissed some dude I don't know. I rushed out of the closet and to the bathroom of Cassandra's house. It was her birthday party, and it was her wish to play this game. What a fool I was to join in, but how would I know they would do this to me?

Hot tears ran down my cheeks as I cried away my embarrassment. Who was this guy and why did we look so much alike? About half hour later, the party ended. I was waiting outside with my backpack and teddy bear under my right armpit. Im not that young to still have a teddy bear. My mom had told me I was her little boy. Frankly, I love that bear to death.

Footsteps walked up next to me and a bum sat down on the same step. I looked over for my eyes to meet with the same guy I had kissed earlier. He didn't seem to be very embarrassed, especially when he smiled at me. I had shoved my head into my teddy bears head and shut my eyes.

"Im Aiden." He said softly, with a small chuckle. What a weird guy, not the slightest bit frightened or scared from what went on inside. "I didn't know they had that planned by the way." He sighs as I kept my head buried. "Its better to forget it then worry about nothing.'' He continued to attempt cheer me up.

I had smiled a few times when he tried to crack a joke. Mostly at how lame it was, instead the funny of it.

He seemed to be a cool guy, and made it clear to me that it was awkward for him too.

My mom pulled up that day, just the right time. Aiden had left shortly before me and we exchanged numbers. To this day, grade 11. He has been my best friend.

All because of a stupid prank, I had met the reason Im so happy today. The only difference, is that we are older. I was nothing but a joke to every high schooler at Eastland High.

When I was in grade 8, my mom passed away. I ended up living with Aiden and his mother. My Dad never being around because of business made it impossible for me to live in my own home, alone.

I still carried my teddy bear where ever I went. My mom got it for me when I was little and it's all I have left of her. Tho, Aiden had told me its easier to keep it stored in my bag. That way I would at least have a chance of getting a girl to smile at me.

In fact, Aiden is the whole reason I got to meet you. He set up this online account for me.

Thanks for listening,

I have to go eat dinner now tho, I will talk to you later. xx - Rossy

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