Chapter 6

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(Mature content)

I woke up in my own bed, covers wrapped around me. I must have fell asleep at the movies. I smile at the thought of being able to hangout with Aiden yesterday. I reach for my phone and my eyes widen. Tomorrow is the dance, then the day after is tryouts. How can I be sleeping! I send a fast email to my girl before jumping out of bed and hopping into the shower. There is nothing that helps me think better then a nice hot shower. I hear faint footsteps, the door open and a chuckle.

"Finally up I see." Aiden's voice makes me blush. The steaming hot water pouring down my body.

"Yep," I finish, grabbing my towel and wrapping it around my lower body. I step out to see Aiden standing at the door. He looked a little flushed, and his eyebrow was raised. I caught him looking at me judgingly which made me cross my arms and look away.

"You're not a little boy anymore." He says, making me look back up at him. He moves closer, gently grabbing my hands and placing them at my sides. "You've been working out'' He adds, making me smile.

"Ive never been to a gym in my life." I giggle, looking up at him. He was close now, close enough for me to have to look up. Im only about as tall as his nose.

"Yes I know."

"I workout on my own tho." I blush once more.

"I can tell." He joins in on my little laugh, placing his hands on my hips. I smile along with him, his hands lowering to my towel and land gently on my ass cheeks. I gulped a bit, feeling a little awkward and looking down. "So did you tell your girl about our little kiss?" he smirks, making me look back up into his eyes.

"It was her idea to pretend she was you." I add on, lying strait to his face. It was true, I remembered having the conversation with her a while ago. She told me she thought Aiden and I would be a cute couple, but he's my friend.

I couldn't help but feel trapped with him being so close. He studied me for a moment, backing me up I placed my hand on the wall behind me so I don't hit it. "Aiden, you're a little close''

"You're a little naked." He smirks, my towel being pulled from me and placed on my head.

He's such a jokester.

I let out another chuckle as he lightens things up. "My girl told me to do this." I feel him a lot closer, his lips press under my ear with a firm press of his tongue. He trails those down my neck, making me feel tingly. I feel sudden pressure on my lower half, making my mouth open slightly.

The wet towel is still draped over my head.

"Aiden, she told you to do this?" I bite my lip, looking down and seeing his hand wrapped around my private parts, gently pumping. The only thing I could see was that and the floor. This towel was making it hard to see.

My breath started to pick up as he went faster, I couldn't help but lean my weight on him. Next thing I know, I'm lifted off my feet, I could tell we're going somewhere. Before I could figure it out, I'm plopped on the bed with Rikers weight on top of me. He started pumping me again, my breath getting heavy like before.

"Baby.. holy shit" I smile to myself. ''Lizzy you're so amazing." I moan out, licking my lips.

"Lizzy?" He stops and pulls the towel off my head.

"I named her Lizzy for now." I giggle and sigh romantically.

"Look into my eyes." He groans, staring into my eyes. I look back, it was going to be ten times harder to pretend its Lizzy now.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. Still looking into his eyes I couldn't help but think this was him doing this to me. It was strange how I was still enjoying it this much.

I let out a little moan but jumped up immediately and screamed. Loud thunder screeched through the sky when I moaned, making it sound like it came from my mouth.

I was terrified of thunder more then anything.

Aiden crawled up next to me, grabbing me and pulling me onto his lap. Once the thunder slowed down, I looked up at him.

"I love you, Ross." He whispers and kisses my head.

"I love you too." I smile and put my head on his chest, grabbing at his shirt tightly. We sat there through the thunder. Every time it would make a loud noise, I would jump.

"You need to relax." He tells me, pushing my hair away from my face. I nod and look down, grabbing the blanket and pulling it over us. I was freezing cold, mostly because I was naked. "Here" he reaches over grabbing a sweater and gently pulls it over my head. He pulls the bottom down and gently makes contact with my private parts again, but quickly moves his hand away.

I thought for a moment, biting my lip. Im about to take a risk, but I liked it. For some reason I wanted him to continue. I didn't know if it were my body or my mind speaking, but either was I knew I wanted it.

Gently taking his hand I set it back in the same spot as before. He started to gently rub me again. I rest my head on his chest and closed my eyes. It felt nice, yet devilish at the same time.

I am not thinking of this being Lizzy, Im thinking of this being Aiden. Why? Because It makes me feel like a bad ass. I chuckle at myself and look up at Aiden. He's already looking at me and I smile. His hand stops, and moves to my legs to lift me up, facing him I have my legs wrapped around his waist. He starts pumping again and continues to look in my eyes. He really knew what he was doing.

Then again, I'm sure he has had plenty of practice!

I began to moan gently, my hands on Riker's shoulders. He smiles every time I moan. Till I moaned out his name, yes, 'Aiden' slipped out instead of 'Lizzy'. But in my defence, I didn't know that was even her name! It was embarrassing and made him stop what he was doing right away.

"I um." I gulp looking a him.

"Pretending its me?" He raises a brow. I nodded slightly, looking down. "Hey, look at me." He whispers, making me look up at him. He gently kisses me making my heart rate go up.

Was I ready to be this bad?

Was it bad if I liked it this much?

I kissed him back, moaning in his mouth as he continues to pleasure me. Aiden was making me feel amazing, not Lizzy.

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