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I'm literally just sitting on my bed and screaming in excitement.

Should I tell you why? Not sure... Then again you could scroll down and check... I wonder how many of you just checked... ANYWAY...


I'm just so excited! ITS AMAZING! Finally! See my favorite characters back again, find out what happened to Wally, see what Nightwing did after his, "leave of absense,", find out what happened to Wally, see what new members joined, find out what happened to Wally... You see where I'm going with this.

DON'T WORRY, I'm not deleting this story. I have (minimum) 2 months to finish this, so I could actually do a chapter a day. Plus, I doubt that it'll come out that soon, that would be January 2017. I'm expecting more like September, Octoberish 2017. Around the time summer ends and school starts.

How this story will work in the DC timeline... I got no idea... But still, I'm just REALLY excited! I guess this story is on like another Earth or something... It follows the events of Young Justice Season 1 and 2 and then drifts off.

Please, go watch the trailer, buy the seasons, watch it on Netflix, I know that it's confirmed but it's still great to help them out because whether they like it or not, it's going to cost a lot of money. Send as much money and exposure as you can. (I already bought half of Season 1, now I gotta buy the other half and Season 2! But I saw Season 2 on Netflix!)

ANYWAY, I'm just excited! If anyone wants to chat/rant (in a good way) I'm free to talk at pretty much anytime!



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