Disclaimer: Kim Possible and allassociated characters portrayed and/or implied inside this fanfictbelong solely unto Walt Disney Productions.
Rabbit In A Trap
Gemini wasn't the forgiving norcomedic type. He meant every word about making an example of her overbetraying him. Gama Rose was his best assassin, a pro at evadingdetection. This job would require someone who tracked theuntrackable. He recruited an outsider, Asipis Montana,a native born Blackfoot Indian, promoted him unto a Commander's rankwithin Necros.
Commander Montana couldtrack his target easy enough. He doubted his ability to catch her bysurprise. And knew he couldn't match her in hand-to-hand combat. Thecommander assembled a six-man team among Necros' elite. That way,their militant activities wouldn't expose WEE or their boss untonegative publicity as well as public or legal backlash.
GamaRose was exhausted. CommanderMontana's team relentlesslydogged her across three continents and 24 cities, even a wild trekthrough the Swiss Alps, over the next 2-weeks. She simply couldn'tshake them, no matter what she did. She fled unto Las Vega. It washer last hope. Maybe she could lost them amidst the lights.
Running and jumping at shadow washumiliating enough. She'd never faced such opposition. It'd evengotten so bad. She couldn't stay anywhere longer than 6-hours, orsleep soundly through the night, always with one eye open and oneshut. Her former boss revoking her clearance only capitalized thiswhole experience. She couldn't track her enemies through satellite.
"Commander, we've searched thiswhole city. She's simply vanished without a trace," one scoutingparty after the next reports back.
Her ploy almost worked, but not quite.
"Imbeciles," Commander Montanaloses his temper, kills the connection, and dials Necros' centralcommand. A strangler unit calls in before her can dial.
"Yea," he answers the callexpecting pretty much the same.
"Sir, we have her location".
"What?" He stammers with doubt.
"We have her location," thesergeant reiterates the good news. His boss would be elated overfinding this traitor. He could deal with her personally.
"The Red Rock Lucky 7 Casinooff the strip, Sir".
"Keep an eye on but don't approachour target. We'll be there shortly," he disconnects, redialing hismain command.
"Authorization code," a voice bidshim.
"Alpha, Alpha, Gama 769".
"Command authorization recognized,"the same mechanical voice acknowledges his code. "What's the natureof your inquiry?"
"Sabertooth calling Citadel".Sabertooth was his designation during this particular op.Citadel was Necros' secret satellite network.
"How can we do to better serve ourcustomers?"
"We have Black Anvil cornered in LasVegas at The Red Rock Lucky 7 Casino.I'm requesting a positive identification of target before attemptingto apprehend".
"Rogerthat. I'll have a positive lock in 10 minutes".
"Thatworks for us. We're leaving the Bunny Ranch now and should bearriving there in 15-minutes, Alpha Alpha 769 out," he hangs updialing and broadcasting a special code. Every team member's cellphones emits an emergency alert. Every man and woman leaves his/herconquests behind, rush outside, and jump into his/her assignedvehicle.
Raging Hearts Amidst Darkness
FanfikceDrakken succeeds. Kim's dying, and the world's his. An ally's betrayal cost him everything. Shego quits, about the time Kim fakes her death rallying friends and enemies alike to battle a rising global threat, Necros, a militant organization (create...