2: Discretion

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I tried to find my way into your heart but I failed

I looked for warmth in their eyes, and it wasn't there

I'm sick of blaming the world, screaming this isn't fair

How could this happen to me?

Wednesday. I was half-way done with this. I wasn't allowed to be done with it.

Today was a free-play day. We run 5 laps on the outside track and then we can go do whatever we want. I can run pretty fast, so I did all 5 before some kids had finished their second lap. I wasn't sure what to do, though. I was split between soccer and nothing at all.

I ended up sitting under a tree doing homework. If I could finish my math homework, then soccer would be next. I was already half-through with it when these two walked up.

Grant taunts, "So, Riley, is counseling as infantile as they say it is?"

These kids, along with two others, are the reason I have to do the stupid counseling. Good god, I want to run, but I don't think that'll work. I don't want to be in the stupid counseling thing forever, though, so I'm going to have to try ignoring them for once.

"Riley? Helloooo? Riley," Grant says. He turns to Ryan. "Do you think he can hear me? Is he deaf?"

"Oh, no, he's capable of hearing you, Grant, he just rolled his eyes at you."

"Did he," he asks, as if he thinks Ryan's lying. "Did you, Riley?"

This is honestly a bit amusing, but I'm in no mood to show it. I'm not willing to see how they react to me laughing.

"Oh, my god, he's nonverbal now. Maybe we should tell the counselor."

Someone else walks up, and even before he speaks a word I know who it is. "Yo, Moore, do you think you could, you know, maybe not do homework in the middle of P.E.? Seriously, what a buzzkill."

"Can you guys please just leave me alone," I ask. I can't focus with them sitting there chattering.

"Oh, look, he can speak! Dan, how did you do it?"

"Called him a buzzkill. Were you guys not standing here?"

I could've laughed. I almost did. Ryan says, "Are you kidding me, Dan? All you've gotta do is tease him about what he's doing and that makes him talk?"

"Or, you know, you could just sit there talking non-stop and that might do it," I snap back.

"Oh, we were planning on it, but if you want to have an attitude about it..."

"I just want to finish my homework so I don't have to later."

"Oh, is that all," Ryan asks, before grabbing my paper. "Let me see what you've got so far." I tried to grab it back, but before I could, he rips up the paper. "Oh, no, I'm so sorry," he says, mockingly.

"Okay, you know what?" I grab my backpack and start to walk away from them, but Daniel grabs me by the hood of my hoodie and pulls me back towards them.

"Don't give us an excuse to wreck your stuff more," he threatens, before turning cheerful and saying, "We just wanna talk, after all."

I sigh, grabbing one of the straps of my backpack. "Okay?"

"Let me just borrow this," he says, grabbing my backpack. I tried to pull away but my grip slipped and I hit the ground. He tosses the bag to Grant, who then throws it into the tree.

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