9: Little Things

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The little things, little things, they always hang around

The little things, little things, they're trying to bring me down

The little things, little things, they just won't go away

The little things, little things, make me who I am today

Annie wandered over to us eventually, with who I assume was a friend from school. Cam and I had been sitting there, comparing our Pokémon, when she walked up. "Guys, this is my friend Ashlen. She's in my math class. Ashlen, this is my brother Riley, and his friend Cam."

Ashlen, instead of replying, giggles and runs away. Annie followed her. "I wonder what happened there," I say.

"Dude, she was staring at you. You've got a 6th grade girlfriend, now."

"Shut up," I laugh, "That's not a thing. Why would a 6th grader want to date me?"

"Bluntly, you're cute and you're older than her which makes you cooler. Hmm, I wonder," he deadpans.

"No no no, okay, I am not cute."

"You're adorable and as proof, you don't think you are. Many people who are adorable do not think they are. Now chill, they're coming back."

They both stand right in front of us. Annie nudges the other girl, and the girl giggles. "Hiiiiiiiii," she says, before running away again. I just laugh.

"Dude, I just thought about this: older, yeah, cooler, hell no. Everyone hates me. No way."

"She doesn't know that," he says. I look at Annie talking to the girl and the girl keeps looking at me. He says, "Just because you don't see yourself as date-worthy does not mean that everyone sees you that way."

I opened my mouth to reply but couldn't figure out what to say. What the hell is that supposed to mean? I just dumbly blurted out, "I'm asexual, nobody is into that."

He looked at me funny. "Says who? Ever thought of dating another asexual person?"

"I don't know anyone else who is asexual! Even online friends are usually other varieties of LGBT, but allosexual."

He holds out a hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Also Asexual™. I'm asexual as hell."

... He's asexual. My head is going to explode. "Why are we so alike? Like, we're alike in so many ways but different in so many others. It's kinda funny."

"I agree. Hey, do your idiots know that?"

"I doubt it. Otherwise, I'd've already heard crap for it, probably. So, like, when did you figure that out?"

He thinks about it. "Earlier this year. Like, back in late January, early February, probably. It just made sense as to why that stuff had never been a big deal to me before. How about you?"

"A few months ago, like May or June. I think it was June. It was Pride month, I think, that made me look into it. In any event, that label just seems to fit really well."

"Have you given any thought to romantic orientation?"

"Why are we talking about this right now," I ask.

"Do you have any better conversation topics?"

I think for a second. "Do you play any instruments?"

"I wish. I wish I could write songs or at least learn songs I like. And you?"

"I play guitar. I have an old acoustic guitar that used to belong to my mom. I looked up tutorials and tabs and stuff online and started trying to figure it out. I took music lessons in 8th grade, basically found out I was on the right track. Then I stopped."

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