3: Heavydirtysoul

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This doesn't mean I lost my dream, it's just right now I got a really crazy mind to clean.

I reported to the library after dismissal. The closer I got, the less I wanted to do this. With my luck, it'd be just another problem. I went up to the front desk, and the librarian directed me to the back of the library. I was supposed to find Ms. Wyatt. It just so happened that Ms. Wyatt was also my math teacher, so I had no trouble finding her.

"Oh, hello, Riley. Principal Evans said you'd be joining us."

"I won't die, right?"

She laughs. "No. I'm sure you'll be fine. The idea is to pair you up with either someone who understands what you're going through, or someone who provides a contrasting perspective. You can help each other work through whatever's bugging you. It's kind of like a friend match-up, except it's appealing to the office and helps 'problematic kids'."

"I never, ever, in my lifetime, thought I'd be considered a problematic kid," I tell her.

"Don't worry about it, the office and their buzzwords. Every kid has problems, it's high school. There's puberty and hormones and insecurities. Insecurities, everywhere."

"True. So... how does this work?"

"Ah, well, you're actually only the 3rd person here so far today. We're waiting on another 3. We actually had another new addition, he was supposed to be here yesterday but didn't show up. He's supposed to come today. Anyways, we start with an introduction, which announces new members, and other news. Don't worry, it's nothing like Ms. Pines does."

"Oh, thank god."

Right then, two more kids show up and greet her. While they go sit at the table, she says, "Great, so now we're waiting on Cameron... oh wait, never mind."

I turned to see a kid around my height with gold-ish hair and emerald eyes, as he runs up. He looked like he just ran from the other side of the school to get here. "Sorry I'm late, Ms. Wyatt, I'm forgetful as hell, today."

"Oh, that's alright. David and Aaron just showed up a minute ago, so you're not too late. Have a seat at the table. You too, Riley."

We all went ahead and sat down. Ms. Wyatt sits in the last seat, with a stack of papers in her hand.

"Alright! So, as you all know, this program is a bit new, but whatever, come on, we got this. Anyways, we've got two new additions, today. One of them was supposed to start yesterday, but..."

"Sorry," blond kid says. "Kinda had another commitment."

"That's okay, it works out. So I guess let's do the cliché circle introductions thing," she suggests. "Just, you know, introduce yourself. We won't judge, I'm sure. I'll start; I'm Ms. Wyatt, and I'm here because I'm in charge of the group."

She passes it to the person to her left. "I'm Brian. I'm here because I told off a teacher... And then the principal. Apparently that's something you shouldn't do."

"I'm Aaron, I'm here because I've got nowhere better to be. My parents are never home, and when they are, they drunk-wreck the house.

"I'm Kaylyn, I'm here because I'm recovering from an eating disorder."

The kid before me says, "I'm Dave, I'm here because I have a lot of panic attacks. I don't see how this will help, but oh well."

Now, it's my turn. I take a deep breath. "I'm Riley, and I'm here because 7 fights was too many."

"I'm Cam, and I'm here," blond kid says, with finality, as though he's here and that's a fact in itself. Ms. Wyatt looks at him, silently asking him to continue. "Oh, fine. Really? I'm here because I broke down, and the teacher found some interesting scars on my wrists. Happy now?"

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