[ 24 - Photograph ]

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our picture still sits on the mantelpiece
overlooking the children as they play
overlooking the adults as they chat
overlooking our love that has been long forgotten

we keep the picture on the mantelpiece
we don't say anything about it
it's for show, that's what i tell myself
but i don't know why you'd want to keep it up

it is a pretty picture
the two of us hand in hand,
our twin boys on our shoulders
i still laugh about that day

we ate icecream as we strolled down the boulevard
mine was strawberry and yours was coffee
the twins each got dark chocolate that matched their eyes
and we were happy

but everything went downhill from there
i found out you were cheating
and i started hating myself
what did i do wrong?

i never said anything to you,
but you know that i know
we have grown distant and apart,
our twins, aged six, but they know it too

our frequent hugs and kisses
becoming fighting matches that end in tears
our boys don't say anything, but they know
and we know it too

our love has broken
gone and lost forever
our hearts have been split apart
thrust in seperate directions

but we still keep the photo on the mantelpiece
to me, it's a facade we have to keep up
to our friends and family
but what does it mean to you?

i asked.

"well... that photo reminds me of the time i used to love you. and i cherish that memory. and i hope you do too."

short poetry || riley blackWhere stories live. Discover now