Chapter 1: The meeting

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My first language isn't english, so I'm really sorry if I write something wrong and upset someone ^^'
It's a great exercise for me to write a story in another language, that's why I'm doing this the most
Well, let's start ~

I rested my head on my right hand which I leaned at the door of our truck. My eyes focused a dirty dot on the window. I moved my free hand, wanting to smudge it, but it was on the outside of the glass. I sighted, moving my head back to the main road, carefully not to move my glasses with my hand while doing so. "Don't worry dear, we're almost there." My mother tried to pat my knee, she couldn't really reach it because she moved her seat closer to the car panel, but I didn't mind. "Great." my mouth let out "You haven't even seen the house you're going to live in, why in such a bad mood?" I remained silent after his question, asking myself if he seriously didn't know. "Our old house was way better, I don't even have to see the new one. We could've just stay there." This time my parents didn't answer. Many minutes passed until my mother looked at my dad, realising he wouldn't speak.
She coughed.
"You know we couldn't." gulping down my anger I turned my eyes to the right, looking, once again, outside the window. My father blinked and drove off the main road, through a little forest.
It suddenly got dark because of all the trees blocking the bright sun, but soon we got out of it and the bright light was back. Shortly afterwards the truck stopped in front of a yellow house. I made a disgusted face. "We'll have to paint it red." Mom turned her head around to me, smiling and nodding her head.
My mouth formed a smile too, I was happy.
At least I can get something I want.
Quickly I opened the door, slamming it as soon as I got out. My Dad already was at the door, trying to find the right key to open the lock. I shoved both my hands into my pockets and walked towards him with my mother behind me.
As soon as we reached the door steps, a click could be heard.
The three of us walked in, every room was empty, but clean. I wanted to run upstairs, but mom grabbed me in the last moment "Don't make this clean house dirty just yes, please take off your shoes!" my eyes rolled by themselves, but I did as told and took off my sneakers, walking upstairs with my socks on.
I investigated every room upstairs, to find a decent one that later gets turned into my room. None of them seemed fitting, but there was one left. So I walked towards the end of the floor and opened the last possible room. It was a decent size, but it only had one window, to be fair, it was bigger than the others.
I set one of my feet into the room, walking across it. As I reached the wall on the other side, I turned around and went to the window. I unlocked and opened it, first looking down. There was green grass and a nice little stone path to the back of the house. Maybe it wasn't that bad to move. "Hey there." My body jerked back from the window, I was so surprised by the sudden appearance of the boy in the other house. "Ah... Hi." I managed to spit out. The back of my throat felt sore, I thought by gulping down of my salvia I could make it feel better, but it didn't help. "So you're the guy that just moved here?" he crossed his arms and leaned onto the window frame.
I could just nod, something about this kid made me extremely nervous, but why? He was only like... 7? "My name's Samuel. What's yours?" he looked me deep into the eyes, his mouth revealing a big smile, heart-warming. "Marco." I couldn't take my brown eyes of his ocean blue eyes, they grabbed my attention. "Can I call you Mark?" I made a questionable face, still looking at him. "Why?" "Why not?" he laughed, I gulped once again. "Then..." I started, leaving my mouth open, thinking if I should really ask him this question. "...can I call you Jack?"

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