Chapter 8: Graduation

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I couldn't concentrate at all. The boss kept talking and talking, it was our weekly meeting but I just couldn't get my thoughts off Jack, and when I tried to think about anything else, I somehow swayed back to him. Finally the boss was finished talking and let us go back to work.
In my office I sat on my chair and stared out the window. On the door there was a knock to be heard, what ripped me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" I turned around and looked to the door, the girl I was going out drinking yesterday came in and carefully closed the door behind her. "You've been busy yesterday. You didn't come back to get me." She was right, I totally forgot about her. "I'm sorry." Was the only thing I said, and I didn't mean it. "Well.." she came over, behind ma desk, turning the chair towards her. "I need more than that to forgive you." She said with a smile. She wanted to sit on my lap, but at this moment I stood up and shoved her away. "Get out. I'm not interested in you." The girl's face was in shock. Then a glim laid over it. "It was that boy.. wasn't it?" I gulped "Was he.. your boyfriend?" she asked while snickering. Fine, she didn't want to get out, so I did. I smashed the door behind me, everyone looked surprised at me "I have to go meet someone, something happened." I said while rushing out the door. It happened again, Someone thought I have sexual desire for someone of the same gender. I opened my car door and sat inside. My fingers reached in my pocket for my phone and called my mother. It took some rings until she finally picked up, I could hear her smiling through the phone "Marco! How are you?" "Thank you, I'm fine, how are the two of you?" It sounded like she pullet one of the chairs at the table back and sat down before answering "Pretty good, but I think we would be better if you were here with us.." before I could ask anything else, she interrupted me "Do you know that Samuel graduates High School really soon?" Shit, she was right. "On what exact day?" "Well.. tomorrow." "Wow, that's really soon Mom." I said while laughing, she joined in. "Are you coming? You haven't seen him in 6 years! For your information: he's pretty handsome now!" she said and laughed once again. Yesterday evening I couldn't really see his face properly, it was dark and because I was drunk. "Well, actually I saw him yesterday. For a brief moment." "NO WAY!" she screamed and I heard the chair fall down, she must have stand up fast. "I will come, I want to see him graduate."

I heard my phone alarm ring and shut it off. It was nine o'clock, so I had enough time to prepare myself and drive home, to my real home. First thing was showering and all the other stuff that could be done in the bathroom. I got out and put on my glasses. After that, I got over to my closet and put on a suit. That's not too much is it? It's an important day, so it should be okay. The clock showed not 10 o'clock, so I went downstairs and got into the car. "Hope there's no traffic.." I said to myself while I turned on the radio and started the engine.
Luckily the streets were almost empty, so I got through really quick. I parked my car in front of my parent's house and got out. Before I could open the door, my mother rushed outside and basically pulled me inside. "Oh Marco, It's so nice to see you again!" I was hugged by her and almost didn't get any air. After she was finished, my dad also came and embraced me into a hug. "Hello Mom, Dad." "You've grown! That's fantastic." Mom said and smiled at me. "Monica, we have to go." As I got pulled inside, I got shoved outside. All three of us walked to the school ground and I looked out for Jack. He stood up there and waited for it to be over. As always, fidgeting with his fingers. I just had to smile, but shortly after they started so I now have to wait for it to be over to talk to Jack. I didn't really remember much from our conversation yesterday, but I hoped he didn't mean everything as serious as he said. He always made jokes as a kid, so that was most likely also one.
During the ceremony, we have found Jack's parents and had a little talk, they have forgiven me that I didn't say anything to their son, after an hour long phone call..
Jack found us fast, but as soon as he saw me his smile turned into an angry expression. "What's he doing here?" "I wanted to see you graduate, congratulations." I answered to him with a bright smile. Jack grabbed my arm and took me somewhere where there weren't that many people. "Why the fuck did you come? I thought you'd stay out of my life now!" "Jack, that obviously was a joke. How could someone like you have feelings for someone like me?" He was shocked "You mean because we're both men?" "Of course, yes." He punched at my shoulder "Fuck no. I was dead serious." I just laughed "Then show me, Jackaboy." Fine, I heard him whisper. His hands grabbed both sides of my face, they were cold and made me shiver a bit. Jack tried to reach my face by standing on his toes, and when he finally managed to he pressed his lips on mine. My eyes widened, I was so surprised and wanted to push him away. That what I thought I'd feel, but no, It felt good. His eyes were closed, he was totally into it. This couldn't be.. my 'brother' is kissing me, has obviously feelings for me and... I liked it?! I have to push him away, this is wrong, I... He let his hands slip behind my neck and crossed his fingers there. My hands moved from its own on his back and hips.. His kiss got more intense, he pressed his whole body against me and pushed me on the wall of the small gymnastic room we hid behind. I removed my hand from his back and played it behind his neck and moved his head even closer to me. I wanted more than just this kiss..
Shoving my tongue through my lips, I was carefully caressing his' and asked for an entry. Jack snickered, I felt it, but he let me inside.

Immediately I found his and caressed it with mine. Jack tried his best not to moan to this moment, but at the exact second their tongue touched, he just had to let a small noise come out. Coming back to my senses, I moved my back away from him, letting go of Jack's lips. Both of our breath went faster than usual and when I looked at him, it just stopped. His eyes had such a desire in them.. His cheeks seemed to burn up, they were so red.

"Th..that was.." "..I told you!" both of us got scared to hear a third voice beside us, and as we looked over to the left , there were both of our mother's standing there.
My world fell apart beneath my feet.
I saw the surprised look in my mother's eyes, while Jack's seemed happy about this. "Mom..." my eyes filled themselves with water, until they couldn't hold it and streamed down my face. I fell onto my knees. "I'm sorry Mom.. I'm a failure.." my voice went away, my sobbing blocked my voice. The hand I felt right after, I though was Jack's, but my mother's voice was close to my ear, so it must be her. "Marco, look at me." "No, I'm worthless.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. you didn't raise something like that.." my whole body shivered because I was crying that hard. She rubbed my back and said: "Marco, you're so precious to me. And just because you like Jack doesn't mean I hate you, it's the opposite!" I looked up at her, looking if she's joking. "When you like this boy.." she pointed at Jack and he smiled at the corner of his mouth "..That's perfectly fine. You can love whoever you want, it doesn't matter which gender. I love you either way, and I also will love your girlfriend or boyfriend! So don't think it's wrong, because it's not." I threw myself into her arms and whispered thank you into her ear. In my old school I didn't like the most popular and most beautiful girl, so everyone assumed I was gay. I got bullied because of that and learned that boys have to love girl and the other way around. That my mom said it was wrong meant the world to me. My tears changed into happy tears. "Now, let's celebrate Samuel's graduation!" Jennifer shouted and everyone laughed, her son had much influence on her it seems.
Finally I can write some smut ╰(✧∇✧╰)
Now it'll get more interesting!
Sorry to my 1 reader it was so boring until now ._.

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