Chapter 7: Moving out

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"Marco, why the sudden change?" "Just because, there doesn't always has to be a reason." I asked my father if he could recommend me a work place in the city. When we just moved here, he worked in the city and always had to drive about half an hour to his workplace. Now he's working in a small office from his friend. "I'm 22, I can move wherever I want and don't need a reason." The room filled itself with silence, no one touched their food again. I was the first person that stood up and went upstairs. "I've already found an apartment I could live in. So you can't change my opinion."
In my sleep, I dreamt about Jack and all our (or his) childhood we had together. I still couldn't believe he kissed me just like that.. Even with his 12 years he should know it was not normal to kiss someone of the same gender. It should only be done out of love.

The next day I put my stuff inside the car and closed the . I wanted to get out of this village immediately. "I'll come to visit when I get the time." I said to my parents, hugging both of them. Also, I did say goodbye to Jack's parents.. no, my neighbors. "Be sure to also say goodbye to Samuel! I didn't say anything like you wanted.." Jennifer smiled with a sad look on her face. "I will." I said, but crossed my fingers behind my back. As if I'd to him, he made me move. "Then, see you!" "Good luck Marco!" the four said and waved after me.

~ Jack's POV ~

As I got back from school, I went inside and greeted my parents. They both looked at me with a sad expression "What's wrong?" "Did you take it in a good way, Sam?" I was really confused, I felt my breath tighten. "What happened? Explain it to me!" my mother shivered at the sound of my harsh tone. "Didn't Marco come to say goodbye to you?"
As soon as they started to tell me the story, my eyes filled themselves with tears. How could he leave me like that.
Now I have no one.
I was alone here.

~ Mark's POV ~

I started to unpack my stuff and placed everything on the ground for the first day. Tomorrow I'd establish this apartment the right way, but right now I had to get used to the loud streets and the new view. I went to bed early, I wanted to be ready for my first work day and my new life. I said I'd visit my parents now and then, but Jack would see me, so that was not an option. My phone vibrated, Jack already told them he's gone without saying anything. I didn't pick up and went to bed, they can call all they want, I know they can't come to me. The car that my parents have is currently not working and his parents don't have one. Also, I gave them the wrong address, one that's much closer to them than I actually am, it took me 3 hours to drive here.

~ Next day ~

"It's nice to meet you. Here, I'll show your workplace." My boss showed me a fairly comfortable place I'm supposed to work. "Thank you very much, I'll do my best." I said with a smile. Finally I could make money off a real job. I sat down and began with my work. My phone vibrated again. As I looked on the calls I've missed, I saw 24 from my parents and even 4 from Jack's. This time I'd take the call and explain everything. Well, not everything.
"Marco! Finally you took the call! What did you do to Samuel?!" "It's none of my business if he's having a problem, I'm an adult now, I can't deal with a kid anymore." "Just what happened between you two... You used to be so close." I took a deep breath "We got too close, that happened. If you'd excuse me now." She wanted to add something, but I had already ended the call.

~ 6 years later ~

Since I moved out 6 years have passed. I got promoted a few times and now have a department beneath me. My look didn't change so much, aside from my red colored hair it was almost the same. Despite that, a lot of women were in a relationship with me. It never worked out, so they always dumped me. Currently I was going out with a coworker. She came in my office and asked me if we want to go out for a drink. I smiled and grabbed my coat, because it was cold outside today.
We went in a bar and drank some glasses of wine, slowly feeling that I got drunk. We laughed so much and drank even more.
After midnight we left the bar and walked down the road. There weren't many people on the street at this time, but a young man came walked towards me. He had a similar walk like someone did I used to know... My eyes couldn't take themselves off of his green dyed hair and as he looked up to me I recognized him by his blue eyes.
It was Jack.
My breath stopped, I couldn't make a step forward and just stared at me. He also was shocked and then he saw the women I had my arm around. His face instantly froze, he had no expression at all. Then he took his eyes off us and walked ahead, without looking back. I stood there, not being able to move. "Heyyy, Marco~ let's get to my place and do something naughty~~" that was the wake-up call for me. As I removed my arm from her, she fell onto the street and wanted to protest, but I ignored her. I ran after Jack, begging my legs to run as fast as they can. "Jack! Jack!" I screamed from the top of my lungs, I saw him far away, it was easy to spot him with that hair.
I found myself in a street full of people again, quickly turning my head around to search for Jack's hair I got a headache. I didn't spot him, so I just ran ahead, hoping he was just further ahead than I was.
I looked into every shop, every alley, but nothing. Sinking onto a stair in the last possible alley, I put my head against the wall. "Shit.." I whiffed to myself. "Why do you try that hard to find me?" turning my head that fast around, I almost fell off the stair. I stood up equally fast and looked down on him, I was bigger than him by almost 2 heads. "Jack.. why are you here?" "Visiting." He answered short, crossing his arms. "Are you cold?" "What the fuck does that have to do with you? But yes, I am cold." He swore. Jack swore! "You shouldn't say that word." "What word? Fuck? I'm 18, I don't think that's illegal. Oh and know what? Fuck you for leaving me without any word you bastard!" I saw his eyes filling with tears as he threw these words at me. Carefully I reached my hand out for him, first he took a step back and looked angry at me, but as I took a step towards him, he let me touch his arm. Before he could overthink this and change his mind, I embraced him into a warm and tight hug. "You're heartless." He continued to throw words at me, and if it'd make him feel better, he can do that. "I know." I said while placing my jaw onto his head. His body felt cold, I was worried he might catch a cold if he doesn't get something warm around him. "You left me alone, from one minute to the other... not a call, not a visit... I hate you.. I-I hate you." He cried against my chest, I rubbed his back, showing him that he could let out everything. A cold breeze came along and Jack shivered. "Wait." I let him go and slipped out of my coat, giving it to Jack. He looked at it, then at me. "Wow, I just called you heartless and now you're giving me your coat." He said with a tiny smile around his mouth. "Of course I'd do something like that, you're like a brother to me." His smile died down, he looked hurtful at me. "Just.. a brother?" I was confused, what else could Jack be to me. "Would you rather have me referring to you as my best friend?"
There was a sudden pain on my cheek, it was burning. "You're such a jerk. Fuck you, seriously." He ran away and threw my coat onto the ground. This time I was faster, I grabbed him by his wrist before I could lose him again in the crowd. "Let me go you fucker!" "No! Jack please don't run away from me!" "Why not? You did the same to me 6 years ago!" he screamed, some people turned their head or looked directly at us.
He was right, I did.

"Y-yes, I did. It was just so weird what happened between us."
That's it, I said the reason why I left.
"What if that's how I truly feel?"
What? I looked at him, seeing his face in all seriousness.
"What if I really have feelings for you? Are you just gonna throw me away again?" I was shocked.
I let go of his wrist and we both knew what that meant.
He chuckled, it was in a dark way I never heard from Jack.
"Good, that's my answer I assume."
My breath went on quickly, but I got no air into my lungs.
I looked to the ground and heard how Jack left.

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