Chapter 9: Living together?

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"Do you want to attend a college?" I asked Jack after I swallowed the last bite of my bread and looked at him. We decided to have breakfast in the café that opened just some days ago, and it was pretty good. "Yes, I'd love to. But.. none of the ones here, they don't have the major I want to study.." I took another sip of my coffee. Because I didn't drink from it, it got cold and tasted bitter, so I emptied it and put the cup back on the table. "In the city there's actually a college.." "..that would have the major I want, I already know that. I did some researches." He interrupted and leaned back into his chair. He still had some time until college started, but it was better to have something early than too late. "Then why don't you go there?" Jack raised one eyebrow "You do know that I have to move to the city, right?" well duh, I said in my head and rolled my eyes. "I don't have the money for it, I wasn't able to work, yet." "I can give.." "NO!" he slammed his fist on the table and made a loud sound by doing so, the people around us looked at us, but we ignored them. "Why not?" "I.. I'm an adult now. Well, sorta. I want to manage things like these alone." I tried so hard not to laugh at him, but I just had to smile. "Jack, how can I help you... without really helping?" and then it hit me. I grinned and bent forward, now I starred him into his eyes "How about you live in my apartment?" Jack smiled happily, he really liked this idea. But then he shook his head, like he wanted to shake off the happiness. "No, I should earn my own money and.." "I wasn't finished. How about you live with me, and you do some house work instead of paying me?" Jack thought about it, and it seemed he was okay with this.
I leaned towards him even more and lowered my voice, so it would sound even deeper "Even though your presence is much more than enough for me." Jack turned red immediately and fidget with his fingers again. "Okay." I heard him whisper and I felt how his answer made my whole body filling with happiness.

"You have everything you need?" I was about to close the luggage trunk, but Jack placed another box into it. "Yes, we can go now." He answered me while he cleaned his dirty hands off on his jeans and then looked at me. "We'll miss both of you so much!" my mother said and hugged me tight. Jack's mom did the same to him and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "We try to visit now and then." I said and sat in the driver's seat. Jack shortly followed me in the car, but sat in the passenger's seat. He rolled down his window and looked at our parents. By turning the key, the engine started and my looks also went to the group of people that was standing in front of the two houses. "If anything happens, just call! We always have time for the two of you!" "We love you!" our fathers started waving at us and I drove onto the street. Jack replied with the same gesture, but by far more energetic. I myself tried also to wave them, but I could only manage to do it out the window and not directly to them. After the next turn we couldn't see them anymore, so I took my hand back inside and rolled up my window. Jack looked back through the window and I thought he wanted to stay here. "Did you think this through? I can still turn around." I offered him, but he shook his head. "No, I.. just wasn't really without my parents ever.. When you disappeared, I kinda turned into an introvert rather than an extrovert." He looked at me as he spoke the sentence. "You really hurt me. And you have to make up for 6 years." My lungs filled themselves with air, yes, that's why I wanted to take him to me. I can help him with college and all that. "I promise to you, I will."

After we drove for three hours and Jack sung through multiple songs with all his might, we reached my apartment. We already walked twice up and down to get the boxes with Jack's personal stuff in my apartment. As I came down, I saw him trying to lift a box which was far too heavy for him to lift. "Jack, wait, I'll take that." I said and grabbed the box, lifting it up like it was nothing. His face turned completely red, with his green hair you could confuse him with a tomato. "Hey, I had 10 years more to prepare." I said, snickering at his flushing face. He hid his face behind the last box and followed me into my apartment. I set down the box and closed the door behind Jack. "Welcome to my home." I greeted him with a warm smile. "I cleaned out a room just for you." His room was on the opposite side of mine, so he could reach me as fast as possible if something's up. "Thank you.." he said, in an uncomfortable way. "I'll let you unpack and arrange your room. If you need anything, just tell me." Ruffling his hair as I said so, just like in the past.

I woke up to a good smell, I must have fallen asleep on the couch. Opening my eyes, I turned around to the kitchen and see Jack who was distributing the rice and meat on two plates. He noticed me looking at me and smiled "Good evening, I was just about to wake you up." Jack said and picked up the plates, walking over to the table. Stretching myself before standing up and walking over to him, I thanked him for cooking and sat down on the other side of the table, so I could look at Jack. He cooked really good! Maybe he sometimes made dinner at home? "When does your college start?" I questioned him and looked at him "In one week, on Monday of course." He answered and cut another piece of the meat. "On what time does your first period start?" Jack looked up and put his plate away so he could lean on the table with his arms. "Hmm.. 7:30 a.m." "That's perfect, then I can drive you there." I said with a smile "I have to go to work at eight and it's on the way." "Thank god! I thought I have to walk or some shit." He laughed and I joined in. "Thank you very much for the food, it was delicious." I continued and looked him deeply in his eyes with mine. He returned the look for a short time, but then looked away, turning red once again. "It wasn't much, really. I-I will wash up." He said and stood up, taking his and my plate with him. I heard water rushing down the sink and the clattering of the plates. I placed my hands on the empty table and pushed myself out of the chair. Walking over to him, he didn't see me or didn't want to. I sneaked up behind him and then hugged him from behind. He yelped out in a high-pitch, which made me laugh. Jack turned around with an angry face and started to hit me with insults and other things. But I cut them all off by kissing him. I suddenly felt the big urge to kiss him, so I just did. Jack was surprised by it at first, but then he gave In to the kiss. I moved my hands onto his back and placed one of them dangerously close to his ass. He didn't move this hand so I let it there. He placed both of his hands into my long hair and tightened his grip as we continued kissing. "Uhh.. Mark" he moaned at my lips and flamed up a big desire in me. Now I put both hands on his ass and gripped it tight. "I love your ass Jack." I said to him, slightly moaning too. He smiled at me and locked eyes with me for a moment, then I went down to his neck and kissed a specific part there. Jack let out a sight and closed his eyes, maybe he enjoyed the feeling on his neck right now. After a while I saw that there was a red hickey now and I just had to smile at it. "Come back here." Jack demanded and grabbed my head so he could kiss me again. "Alright, alright" I chuckled and came back to his lips, making up for leaving them. "You're so pretty Jack." "No, I'm not Mark." He said while laughing a bit. I pulled away and looked at him, with a serious face. "You really are pretty Jack. If not beautiful. I mean it." He pressed his lips together and looked away, slowly his cheeks blushed, what made him even cuter. Suddenly there was a phone going off "Tat's mine, sorry.." he said and tried to get out of my grip, I realized he couldn't get out. "Sorry" I said and let go of him, he rushed to his phone and picked it up before looking at the screen. "Hello? Oh hey Mom. Yes everything is alright. Yes, we did eat.. I called you just an hour ago so why these questions?" he scratched his head and looked tired all of a sudden. "Yes, yes. I will, yes. Thank you, then, good night!" he said at last and then hung up. Then he turned around to me and said: "That was my mum, she wanted to know how we are." I nodded and looked at the clock, it was already after ten. I heard Jack yawn and had to join him, I felt tired. "I'm going to go sleep.. are you staying up?" "No, I'm going to sleep too." I said while looking at him, he smiled. "Well then, goodnight." He said, walked over and pressed a kiss on my cheeks. Then he went in his room and closed the door.
I was so happy he lives with me.

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