Chapter 15

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"Happy birthday!" Gio jumped out of nowhere, scaring the living shit out of me.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I shouted hitting his arm. I have been on edge for the past week or so, been waiting for the unexpected to happen, so when it did happen, I'd be expecting it.

"It's your birthday, why you so jumpy?" He laughed moving away from me and my fists.

"Exactly! My birthday! Kelly said she was coming back and today is just as good as any day to come back. Imagine if she does. What do I do? I haven't even told Eleanor!"

"Why you stressing, chill." He laughed again and took out a little bag, inserted three of his bony and long fingers and— fuck his fucking life. He threw sparkle at me. Why does he have sparkle on him?

"Why would you do that?" I sighed trying to remove the sparkle from my face. Gio shrugged and put his arm around me.

"Listen, little thing, we gotta go. Come on, it's getting late," He smiled at me, he seemed to be in a really good mood. I made a mental note to ask about his mysterious boyfriend later on.

"Late for what?" I asked him, "Is my mum planning another surprised party? You know I don't like those, Gio! Tell her not to—"

"Not your mum this time." Gio chuckled as we carried on walking towards his old car.

"Then who?" I asked thinking of someone who could possibly— "Oh my God, its Kelly isn't it? Oh! Maybe Eleanor!"

"No telling." Gio smiled as he unlocked his car.

"Tyler!" Nick threw himself at me, wrapping me in a tight hug. "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you, Nick." I laughed as I wrapped my arms around him, he was so muscular and big that my arms couldn't completely go around him.

"Why is there a party at 5 in the afternoon?"

"It's your birthday!" Nick laughed handing me a cold can of beer.

"Party all day, party all night." Gio sang grabbing another cold beer for himself.

"Niceee..." I opened the can and drank from it, looking around. Parties were never my thing but oh well, I guess I could have a little fun, it was my birthday after all and Nick doesn't know Kelly so he wouldn't invite her... "Is Eleanor here?"

"Of course," Gio snorted. "Nick invited everybody."

"Who's everybody...?" I whispered, not wanting Nick to hear. I appreciated the effort but honestly, I didn't know half of the people at the party.

"Eleanor? Eleanor— yes, I saw her with Billy, she looked pretty pissed off, though," Nick said waving his hand in the air. "I know you don't like beer so... I did something."

His smile was enough to let me know I shouldn't be excited. Nick grabbed mine and Gio's hand and led us around the house.

"Who lives here?"

"Me," Nick shouted, turning back as we finally made it to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out a dark bottle. "I did my research and this— apparently is what they drink in Colombia, Pablo told me so. It took me agesto find this shit, man."

He had a bottle of rum, Ron Medellin. It was Colombian. And yes, I did like this one. I smiled as Nick went to look for the little shot glasses. He poured three and the three of us drank.

"20 years old, yeah?" Nick poured a second shot for us. "20 shots... it's only fair."

I snorted, shaking my head. "Woah, woah, relax, big man, slowly, yeah?"

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