Chapter 30

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Hello Blondie,

I'm a little sad today. Okay, maybe more than just a little and maybe more than just today... but I don't want to tell you about the other days. I don't really want to tell you about today either but it's raining hard and that's messing with me and whateve...

I have bad news. I know you're going to be mad but I promise it's more complicated than it might seem. Don't get mad when you read this...

I am not studying right now.

I haven't been for a while but I'm getting back to it, though. I promise I am. It was getting a bit hard for me to go and it was hard. I will explain at some point, please don't pressure me to because I'm already holding things from you and I feel like if you ask, if you even bring out a subject, it might all spill out of me and I will be a mess of senseless words.

I must admit that there's something that's been at the tip of my pen ever since I first wrote a letter, something that's been begging to be written but I haven't dared... I went to the airport that day.

I wanted to see you one last time, I wanted to apologise for being an ass. I wanted to tell you that I'd be there with you soon.

I was almost there Eleanor, I was almost there and I could feel myself growing anxious, I needed to be there before you left, I needed to but Gio and I couldn't find the right platform and I couldn't make it.

I know you don't believe in God and that you probably will think I'm being dumb but... sometimes I think God put you here, in my path at the right time. Had I gotten along with you before, I don't think we'd be in this thing that we have... I think you came when I needed you to come. At the right time to show me a lot of things about life and about how I was living life. You made a lot of things possible for me and I don't think I thanked you enough for it. For what you did for me and you still do now, even when you're all the way at the other side of the globe.

I am so thankful for what I lived with you. I'm thankful I got the chance to know you because yeah, I knew you but I didn't really get to know you until we met, until we reallymet. You know what I mean? I hope you do because it makes sense to me...

I love you, Eleanor. I don't think I ever said this out loud but I wish I had... because I love you. I really do love you.

I hope you're okay.

Kind regards,

Tyler Kohen


Dear Tyler,

I'm sorry it took me so long to write back. I've been a little busy with classes and all. As you can probably see, this time around I'm not sending just a letter... If you haven't got the parcel yet, it should arrive soon... I had to send them individually because I'm stupid like that... I really hope you like it, I found it and I had to get it, it's just... it screamed at me to get it. I hope this can help to cheer you up a bit.

Why didn't you tell me about uni earlier? Is it serious? I'm not mad, Kohen, I'm worried. What happened? How are competitions going? You haven't mention anything about that... did you stop going too, Tyler?

Why do I feel like you're telling me a lot of things but not really telling me anything at all?

Jesse told me Matias went to London for a few days during the half-term. He was happy about it. I don't think he likes his new school. I don't think he likes London all that much, or maybe he doesn't like being around David... he doesn't want to tell me because he doesn't want me to worry but I can tell he doesn't like it there. David's barely around anyway but still, I worry that he's alone.

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