Chapter 10

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Arianna's P.O.V

The next day I woke up to Baylee sniffing my foot. I pulled my foot back and looked at her. She turned her head to the side and looked at me. I shrugged and walked into the bathroom turning on the shower. After a nice long shower I walked out and put on some cute black shorts and a green tanktop with a black cardigan over it. I slipped on my green sandals and curled my hair slightly.

I walked downstairs and grabbed a granola bar, I picked up my bag and walked outside unlocking my car. I slid in and turned on some One Direction. I started singing along to Up All Night. When I arrived at school everyone was looking at me. I guess the news spread around that me and Zayn were together.

I saw Gabby standing there shooting me a glare.

" when did this happen?"

On our way to the lockers I told her the whole thing and she stood thing nodding her head.

" oh okay , i thought i had to slap some sense into you"

We talked about some school stuff when I saw Zayn walk up to me. I smiled at him and closed my locker.

" shes coming kiss me" he whispered softly in my ear. I nodded my head and leaned in slowly. Our lips touched and it felt nice, but I didn't feel anything with him. Not the same feeling as Drew's kisses. I gave him another kiss on the cheek and pulled a grossed out Gabby with me.

" that was disgusting , eww"

I started laughing at her facial expressions and bumped right into Drew. He apologized and walked away. Without even saying hi. I looked behind me and saw Ashley standing there sending me daggers.

" i think a certain player is mad about you kissing Zayn and  a cerain stalker is mad about you kissing Zayn also"

I looked at Gabby and looked down. I don't think Drew is mad at me kissing Zayn. But Ashley is probably thinking of a way to kill me. I walked into my class and sat down in the back. I heard somebody sit in the desk behind me and I turned around.

Jessica looked at me and whispered slut. I rolled my eyes and paid attention to the teacher. I didn't wanna think about Jessica right now, she was just mad that Drew didn't want to have sex with her. If I was a guy I wouldn't either.

" somebody is mad that drew doesnt want to have sex with her, but i mean isnt having sex with plastic dangerous?"

I turned to Gabby and started laughing. I heard Jessica grunt and she slid back into her seat. She was plastic. Her face was enhanced, she had a nose job, a boob job, and many other things done to her body. Her nair which was a natural auburn color was dyed a platinum blond.

After the final bell rang I walked out of the scool and to my car. Today was the day that my parents were finally coming home and throwing their party. It was a classic cocktail party where the adults acted nice to eachother. I started up my car and drove home to find my Aunt Pam in the kitchen with my mom.

" hey mommie , aunt pam"

" hey darling"

My mom got up and gave me a big hug. I loved my mom but sometimes I wish she could spend some more time with us.

" okay so go get ready for the party,"

I nodded my head and walked upstairs to the guest room where Jared was playing with his toy cars. He got up and gave me a hug. Sure they were brats but I loved them anyways.

I walked into my room and took out the green cocktail dress that went to midthigh and showed a little cleavage but not in  a slutty way. I curled my hair and put it in a bun with some loose curls hanging around my face. I put on the diamond necklace that my brother gave me a week before he died. I put on the black sparkly heels and walked downstairs to see that the party was all setup outside. There was a dance floor near the pool and lights were dangling every where. It looked really beautiful. I walked around for a bit before going inside and greeting some of the guests that started appearing. When Gabby came in she looked amazing. Her usual long hair was now in a tight bun and her red dress made her look older. Zayn was right behind her in a black suit. He looked mega sexy. I kissed him on the cheek and we all walked outside.

A few minutes later Drew, Anthony, Michael , and Robert arrived all looking really hot. I greeted each of them and their dates. I saw that Drew brought Jessica with him which surprised me a little. I sent her a small smile and walked back to Zayn.

The next few hours were spent talking and dancing around. Gabby was already tipsy so Anthony had to take her to my room. Leave it to Gabby, to get drunk at a cocktail party. Soon a slow song started playing and Zayn took my hand leading me onto the dance floor.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and started dancing to the music.

Drew's P.O.V

I watched Zayn and Ari dancing. It made me mad to see her with someone else. I liked her alot and I couldn't let someone else date her.

" baby lets ditch this place and go to my house for some fun"

I looked down to see Jessica and I nodded my head. An extra point wouldn't hurt. I never liked Jessica, she was always too clingy and fake. As we were leaving I looked back one final time and saw Ari kiss Zayn.

**** PLease play the song!!!! it tell you how he feels !!! :) **

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