Chapter 17

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Arianna's P.O.V

The next day me and Drew spent the whole day together. Gabby and Jake went out for the day as "friends" but that was stupid. Every 5 minutes they would kiss eachother and hug. So it was more of a flirtationship, more than friends but less than a relationship.It was already 10 pm and I was so tired. Drew noticed and picked me up bridal style. He carried me to my bed and laid me down before covering me. I kissed him good night and turned the lamp off . Drew shut the door behind him and I heard his footsteps in the hallway.

The next morning I woke up and walked over to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and dried my hair quickly. I grabbed my black skinny jeans and a grey cardigan pairing it with grey TOM's. After braiding my hair to the side I took my bag and walked downstairs. Drew was standing in the living room, talking with Gabby about Jake. They both turned around when I walked through.

" babe, wheres my good morning kiss?"

He walked over to me and kissed me soflty. I smiled and kissed him back before taking a granola bar and eating it. We walked outside and got into his car. Gabby was excited since she was going to see Jake today again. But this time as a date. It was awkward seeing them together and making out every 5 minutes.

At school I kissed Drew once more before walking off towards my locker. Gabby followed behind texting somebody and grinning like an idiot every 5 seconds. She walked straight into the wall and looked up rubbing her head. I started giggling at her clumsiness and opened my locker.

" that really hurt"

She rubbed her forehead and pouted. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my notebook and shut the locker closed. We made our way to English and sat down in the back. Drew strolled in a few minutes later and sat on my other side. The teacher walked in a few seconds later and started her lesson on sentences. Like I already knew how to write a sentence so this lesson was pointless.

" stop sleeping'

I groaned and fluttered my eyes opened. There were still 10 minutes left and the teacher still didn't shut up. Drew kept poking my side making me giggle. The teacher turned around and shot a glare towards me. I bit my lip and glared at Drew making him smirk. Soon the bell rang and we made our way out. The rest of the guys were sitting outside in the courtyard talking.I joined in and sat beside Zack. He smiled and gave me a hug before going back to his phone.

The guys kept glancing at eachother and then back at me. They were really creeping me out right now. 

" what?"
" are you still with Drew?"

" yeah , why?"

" no reason"

I nodded my head and took a sip out of my water bottle. Something was fishy about their expressions. I let it go and took out my book finishing up some homework.The bell rang signaling 4th period and we went our seperate ways. I saw Drew by his locker talking to some girl. Then I realized it was Jennifer. I said hi to her and kissed Drew's cheek.

" ready to go ?"

"yeah come on"

We walked hand in hand towards the class and sat down in our usual seats. We had a substitute so everyone did whatever.

The whole day flew by and I was going to the bathroom to freshen up. I walked in and went in the stall pulling out my phone. Most of the messages were from Gabby saying she was excited or bored. I smiled and replied to most of them before a door opened. Her annoying voice filled the bathroom.

" oh my gawd, did you hear about Arianna and Drew, their relationship is a bet to him, he got 150 points ! so hes in the lead, I sorta feel bad for her , her own boyfriend using her like that and he would have gotten 200 points if she was a virgin"

I sat there trying to take everything in. What bet? what the hell was this girl talking about? I walked out of the bathroom and saw a smirking Jennifer.

" yeah that's right Ari, your boyfriend, and his friends including your brother run a game, who sleeps with the most girls, he made a bet that he'll get you in bed and he did, only a matter of time until you break up"

She smirked and walked out of the room followed by her little minions. It couldn't be true? But knowing Drew and my brother and their friends it was probably the truth. But why would he do that? I actually love him and he just played me like some toy. I ran out of the bathroom with tears in my eyes. I ran into someone and looked up Jake stood there starring at my tear stained face.

" oh shit, you found out? "

I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back and rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. Then I realized he was apart of it. My own brother would let someone do this to me. I let go and looked at him.

" why would you let this happen? your my brother! "

" Ari, I'm sorry, but it first started off like a bet but Drew actually loves you"

" that's complete bullshit, you and your friends go around sleeping with girls and then you let your own sister be one of those girls? "

I pushed him away and ran towards a classroom. I wiped away the tears and walked inside.

" Mr, Sotomayor, can you please let me talk to Drew?"

The teacher nodded his head and Drew stood up walking out with me.

" what happened babe?"

" why would you do this? play me ? use me to get you some points? i thought you actually did love me but I'm wrong, I was just another one of your freaking toys"

" Ari, I forgot about the bet the minute me and you started dating, I love you-"

" no you don't, just forget this Drew, me and you are done, don't talk to me or even look at me"

His expression turned to pain and I walked away from him. I didn't look back knowing that he would say something to make me come back to him. This was so far the worst day ever. I texted Gabby to come and she ran out of the school and to me. She looked at me before hugging me tightly.I told her everything and she frowned.

" they are so stupid, I can't beleive Drew and Jake did something like this"

She hugged me tighter and led to Carvel. We ordered some ice cream and walked towards my house. We walked silently not saying a word but eating the Carvelanche. Once we reached my house, we both walked upstairs and into my room. Gabby threw me some pajamas and ushered me to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and walked out collapsing on the bed. Titanic was already playing and I took a handful of popcorn. Ready to eat my pain away.

Sorry for the late upload :/

but heres another chapter, I'm gonna end this soon cause theres no need to drag it out.....

well hope you enjoy :)

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