Chapter Four

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"Go home man," Colt said. "You look like a damned ghost, we can take care of this job."

"I'm fine," I grumbled glaring at him.

"Cowboy," Colt sighed. "Go get some sleep before you hurt yourself. I will get the girls and they can make you go home."

"I'm going," I sighed leaving the garage. "Asshole."

"HEARD THAT!" Colt yelled.

Rolling my eyes I pulled away from the garage and headed home, I watched as a little pup and cat ran around in the neighbors yard as a man chased after them.

"Get back here," the man yelled before tripping and hitting the ground face first. Chuckling I headed into my house just as a female voice sounded.

"Hi Cowboy," Willow said sitting beside me. "How have you been?"

"Fine," I grumbled setting my water bottle down. "What have you been up too?"

"Not much," she shrugged. "Practicing for my comp that's coming up next month. Have you meet your neighbor yet?"

"No, I've been busy and by the time I get home their not home."

"You should meet her, she really cute and shy. Arizona, Ashley and I were thinking about inviting her to lunch sometime."

"Alright," I mumbled hugging her. "I need to finish working on my bike I'll talk to you later."

"Okay," she laughed before turning to one of the old ladies.

"Hey man," Bullet said turning the radio down. "How's she coming along?"

"Almost done," I mumbled as I finished tightening the bolt. "What's up prez?"

"Bunny is out shopping with Bailey and I figured I'd come help you finish up your bike, but it looks like your done."

"Would of been done already but Colt sent me home yesterday," I said putting the tools I'd been using up. "How's Tank, Pax and Reaper doing on the job?"

"Good," Bullet said. "They should be home this weekend. Oh and Willow wants everyone at the house Saturday, she's planned a small get together to celebrate Bailey's win."

"I'll be there," I nodded rolling my bike up on my trailer and tossing my jacket in the truck. "See you tomorrow."

"We have church in the morning," Bullet said walking off.

Pulling into my driveway I glanced over at my neighbors house noticing the door and all the windows were open and loud music was playing, shaking my head I headed up to my door planning on fixing me something to eat.

"Sir," one of the prospects said handing me a coke bottle.

Nodding at him I headed to the meeting room taking my seat. Soon everyone was here and Bullet got church started.

  After church I watched as some of the kids kicked a ball around while texting Macy.

*I'm planning a country themed b-day party & need some idea's. Help?*Macy

*How old?*

*15 yr old boy*Macy

*Rodeo style*

*Good idea, thks son.*Macy

*Welcome mom*

Chuckling I looked up to see the girls getting out of Bullet's car, walking towards them I helped get the stuff out of the trunk.

"We're going to the range, you going with?" Trigger asked.

"No," I said walking over to my truck. "Was there early this morning so I'm good."

"Later Cowboy," he said climbing on his bike.

Shaking my head I headed to the store to get some food and a few other things. Getting out of my truck I went to grab some bags until I heard a loud, terrified scream. Cursing I ran into my neighbors house kicking the door open as she screamed again, coming to a stop in the den I scanned the room before resting my gaze on a small girl. Before I could say anything she whimpered before collapsing on the ground.

"Damn," I muttered scanning the room again before freezig when I saw what was written on the wall. Picking the girl up I carried her to my house laying her on my bed before calling Bullet.

 Picking the girl up I carried her to my house laying her on my bed before calling Bullet

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