Chapter Nine

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"These things has are always so much fun," Angelica laughed. "What do you think Lily?"

"Sure," I mumbled scanning the room fun of biker's and a few cops. "Are there always this many bikers at these things?"

"Yeah," Bailey said. "Everyone here is somehow connected to the Wolves MC, but we're all family. Mr. Quinton saved my Uncle's life more times than he can count."

"What exactly does your uncle do?" I asked looking down at my boots when another biker walked by us.

"He helps bring people home," she shrugged. "Uncle Colt and almost everyone in the MC does the same thing along with working in the businesses that we have set up around town."

"Oh," I nodded. "Is my Uncle here?"

"He's over there," Bailey pointed over to a table and I swallowed when I saw that it was full of bikers big enough to snap someone in half. "Do you need him?"

"It can wait," I mumbled biting my lip.

"No one here will hurt you," Bailey said grabbing my hand. "I'm going to find Deke cause he promised me a dance."

"I'm going to get a drink," Angelica said glaring at one of the groups of bikers and girls in very short dresses.

I nodded watching them walk off leaving me alone in the corner, biting my lip I kept scanning the room as a reflex before jumping when my phone vibrated in my boot.

*Bby when u heading my way? :( -CBF

*Sat. promised a friend that id join a get-together their hosting. -Artistic

*Fine, but u owe me missy -CBF

*Eye roll ;P -Artistic

"What's CBF?" Someone with a husky voice asked.

"Crazy best friend," I said bending down to slide my phone back in my boot before looking up see a very tall biker standing scary close to me.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said. "Name's Cade, I'm your neighbor."

"Oh," I mumbled biting my lip. "Can I help you with something?"

"A dance," he chuckled. "As an apology for scaring you a few weeks back."

"I don't dance," I mumbled as I felt my cheek heat up.

"Me neither," he laughed and I bit my lip nervously. "But my friends are getting in my nerves."

"Mine abandoned me," I grumbled as he pulled me to the dance floor.

"Stay here," Cade said walking over to the band before smiling at me. "I can't dance to fast songs."

(Silver Wing by Maggie Rose)

"I love this song," I smiled before we started doing a slow two step.

"How come?" He asked and I saw something I couldn't place in his eyes.

"I used to dance to this song with my dad," I whispered and we just danced in silence until the song ended. I glanced around the room tensing when I saw everyone staring in our direction.

"What's wrong?" Cade asked after I whimpered and just grabbed his wrist scared.

"Lily?" Someone asked touching my shoulder and I panicked bolting out of the building until I reached my car wiping my eyes so I could see but froze when I saw what used to be my car, whimpering I stumbled back bumping into something.

"Easy there," spinning on my heel I glanced up at a big, tall biker staring down at me and I heard someone yell my name before everything went black.

Groaning I snuggled closer to the warmth I was feeling before I realized that my pillow was moving, opening my eyes I followed the arm that was holding up to a face. Trying to get up I huffed before I started poking him on the cheek.

"Stop," he grumbled tightening his arms around me. "Go back to sleep."

I kept wiggling around until he let me go. After doing my business and washing my hands I walked back into the bedroom scanning the room before climbing back n the bed staring out the window.

"You hungry?" The guy asked and I shrugged biting my lip.

"Put these on and we'll go get some food," he said handing my a big t-shirt and some leggings. "I'll meet you downstairs when your done."

I nodded before heading back to the bathroom after changing clothes I found my boots by the door as I walked out pulling my hair into a messy bun.

I stayed quiet the whole ride to the diner, after we got a table and he ordered our drinks as I scanned the room before I started playing with my fingers until he reached across the table placing a hand over mine and I looked up into his eyes before dropping my gaze again.

Biker's Lily{Wolves MC 2}Where stories live. Discover now