Chapter Nineteen

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"Don't leave me."

"Kiddo you gotta fight. I can't lose you like I lost your parents."

"Bae, you better not leave me with all these crazy people. Come on wake up."

"Flower, I'm sorry for pushing you away.  I didn't want to hurt you but I now know that I can't live without it. You are the second set thing that has ever happened to me, don't leave me."

"I finished the dance studio and the reveal was a hit. It was odd with you not there, this company runs on you alone don't leave a make me keep doing this stuff."

I could hear people talking but I couldn't open my eyes since it felt like they were taped shut. I felt someone holding my hand and I gave it a hard squeeze.

"Lily," someone whispered with a hopeful tone. "Flower, can you hear me?"

Squeezing his hand tried opening my eyes again and succeeded by opening them a inch.

"C-cade," I croaked blinking my eyes open and looking up at him. He had tears running down his cheeks and I looked at him confused reaching a hand up wiping them away. "No crying."

"I'm sorry," he whispered dropping his head into my stomach. "I'm sorry I didn't save you in time, I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I'm such a screw up. I also lost you because I got scared of losing you and then I almost did. Please forgive me."

"It wasn't your fault," I said raising his head up so I could see his eyes. "I wasn't strong enough to fight him off and your not a screw up."

"Yes I am," he said. "All I ever do is hurt the people who are close to me. You almost died because I was so stupid and didn't connect the dots."

"Hold me," I said scooting over on the bed. "Please?"

Nodding he climbed into the bed with me pulling me close and shoving his head into my neck. Sighing I grabbed his hand and intertwined our finger before closing my eyes.

"How are Cookie and Prince?" I asked Cade as we waited for Uncle to get my discharge papers.

"Fine," Cade smiled as he tied my boots. "Monster been taking care of them for you. Although I think he's taken a liking to Prince."

"That's just wierd," I mumbled while running the tip of my forefinger across the scar in my wrist. "I never would have thought that a big, bad biker that goes by the name Monster is a cat person."

"Takes all kinds," he chuckled. "Let's get out of here and get you some real food."

"I hate hospital good," I grumbled snagging Cade's hoodie and pulling it over my head. I jumped on Cade's back when he turned to grab the two duffle bags.

"What am I, your slave?" Cade asked chuckling as I rested !Y chin on his shoulder.

"Yep," I giggled as headed towards the elevator. "Onward squire."

"Yes ma'am," he saluted walking out of the hospital and to his truck tossing the bags in the back and setting me in the seat. "We have to stop by the clubhouse, a bunch of the old ladies have made a big meal to celebrate your release from the hospital."

"I thought that you guys only did that for family," I said confused. "I'm not part of your club."

"Actually," he said grabbing my hand. "You are family. Doc's your uncle, you helped update the dance studio for Willow, Bailey enjoys talking to you and you saved me after my relapse. So as far as any of us is concerned you are more that just another person, your family and we all agree on that."

"Oh," I said softly looking out the window.

"If anything get too much for you and you want to go home just come find me and we'll leave, okay?"

"Okay," I nodded before hopping out of the truck. "Wait, how many people is going to be here?"

"Around a hundred, hundred-fifty," Cade shrugged. "It's not often that every member of the Wolves MC is on home ground."

"Oh," I nodded walking behind him into the big building. After entering I gripped the back of his shirt peeking around him.

"You okay?" He whispered.

  "Yeah," I mumbled scanning the room before I saw Angelica and another girl in the corner. "I'm going to talk to Angelica."

"Okay," he smiled kissing my forehead. "I've gotta head into church for a few minutes then I'll be back out."

Nodding I hurried over to Angelica in time to hear her agrue with the other girl.

"Hi Angelica," I said and she turned before screaming and pulling me into a tight hug. "Can't...Breath."

Biker's Lily{Wolves MC 2}Where stories live. Discover now