Chapter Eight

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"Cowboy," One of the prospects said running up to the truck I was working on. "Bullet needs to speak with you in the conference room."

"Thanks," I nodded tossing the wrench back in the toolbox before heading inside the clubhouse. "What do you need Prez?"

"Do you remember Quinton Gracie?" Bullet asked handing me a bottle of water.

"From TTTD(terrorist team take down)," I nodded. "What about him?"

"He's coming back to home and Willow and I decided to though a fundraiser/party for him as a welcome home get-together.Figured you could get Macy to help set up."

"Sure," I nodded laying my phone on the table. "Give her a call while I go wash my hands."

"Yes, thank you again. Yeah here he his," Bullet said before handing me my phone.

"What do you need mom," I said walking out of the meeting room.

"My car is acting up again," Macy said. "So could you come pick me up when you get off work."

"Sure mom," I chuckled. "I'll see you around four or five this afternoon. Bye mom."

"Bye sweetie," Macy said hanging up. Smiling I headed back to the garage the finish the truck.

"You haven't changed anything," Macy said looking around the living room and kitchen.

"Millie decorated the house," I shrugged carrying her bags to the guest bedroom. "I didn't want to change anything, besides Millie loved this house."

"I know she did," Macy smiled. "Who bought the house next door?"

"You remember Doc Wilson?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "He's the doctor that tried to save Millie."

"He's niece moved into town and bought it," I said. "She's very shy from what I've figured."

"Oh," Macy smiled. "That's nice. I'm going going to bed because I have been up sixteen hours straight."

"Get some sleep," I nodded. "I'll show you where the fundraiser is being held in the morning."

Walking into my bedroom I changed into some sweats before laying on the bed staring at the ceiling.

"Hey cowboy," looking up I smiled when I saw Millie walking down the stairs. "You look handsome."

"You look stunningly beautiful," I whispered kissing her. "Ready to go?"

"Yes," she smiled. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," I said setting her up in the truck and closing the door. "I know you love surprises."

"Not the last one," she whispered sadly.

"Baby," I sighed. "I don't leave until Sunday, so let's just spend time with the two of us until I have to leave. Okay?"

"Okay," she smiled.

Gasping I sat up running a hand over my face before glancing at the clock seeing I had only been asleep for two hours. Sighing I got up grabbed a shirt and some running shoes before heading downstairs and out the front door.

"No Tommy, I have plans for Saturday. I never said for sure I was going."

Glancing up I saw Lily pacing her front porch talking on the phone. Chuckling I shook my head before running down the road.

"Where did you go so early?" Macy asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Running," I said pouring me a cup of coffee. "I'm going to get. Super then we'll leave for the clubhouse."

"Okay," Macy smiled. "I'm going to put my bags in the truck that way I can follow you."

After showering I pulled on some jeans, a t-shirt, my cut and boots before hurrying downstairs meeting Macy outside.

"Is that a new patch?"

"Yeah," I shrugged straddling my bike. "Bailey redesigned them for her art class, Bullet decided to change the patch to her design."

"Oh that's sweet," she smiled. "So I'm following there and then what?"

"I'm going with Bullet to pick up Quinton so you will have the help of some of the girls and prospects to help set up."

"Sounds good," she smiled getting in the truck as I fired up my bike.

"Having fun Quinton," I chuckled placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah," he nodded distracted.

"She's single," I said when I followed his gaze to Macy. "Just don't hurt or I'll hurt you."

"How do you know her?" Quinton asked.

"She's my mother-in-law," I said.

"I heard about Millie," Quinton said. "I was so sorry to hear she died, she was such a wonderful girl."

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Cowboy," Hacker laughed walking up to me. "Is Doc's niece your date or something?"

"No why?"

"Cause you two match with your clothes," he laughed and I looked in the direction he was pointing only to choke on my drink.

"You okay son?" Quinton laughed but I barley heard him as I watched Lily smile while she talked with Bailey and another girl.

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