Chapter Sixteen

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"Just so this is clear," Bullet said slowly. "Kayden is alive and is the one killing all of the nomad bikers."

  "Yes," I groaned. "I don't know why he's killing people or how the hell he survived being shot multiple times."

"What did he say when you talked to him?" Colt asked.

"Watch my back or the one thing I care about would disappear," I sighed placing my hands on his desk. "I don't know what he meant by that and it is driving me crazy."

"Could he have meant..." Colt started until he was cut off by the phone.

"Bunny," Bullet said answering the phone. "I'm in the middle of a meeting I can't...What? No, hang on I'm putting you on speaker and I need you to repeat that slowly."

"Bailey just ran into the studio saying Lily was just kidnapped by a big tattooed man with a leather jacket with the words Devil's Death on the back," Willow said and I lost my breath.

"No," I whispered before running towards my truck and speeding towards Lily's office praying that one of her friends picked her up.

"Cade," Macy said startled. "Honey you scared me."

"Lily," I said. "Where is she?"

"Probably at the dance studio," Macy said confused. "Why?"

"One of her friends," I gasped. "Did they go pick her up?"

"Not that I know of," she said worriedly. "Tommy and David are out of town and you and her Uncle are the only ones she hangs out with. Cade what's going on?"

"Kayden," I whispered brokenly. "He's back and I think he has her."

"Wait," Macy said."The Kayden that ran my baby off the road."

"Yeah," I mumbled rushing to my truck and passing Bullet and Colt as I raced towards Lily's house. I slid to a stop in her driveway rushing through the open door and searched through all the room before collapsing in the middle of the floor in Lily's art room starting at the words painted on the canvas.

                                        "Too Late."

"Cowboy," Hacker said touching my shoulder and I looked up from my phone. "Go upstairs try to get some sleep before you literally pass out from exhaustion."

"I can't sleep," I said not caring if he could hear how broken was. "Every time I close my eyes I see her. If I hadn't pushed her away then I would have been there for her and she wouldn't be in the same place with the man who killed her parents."

"I know man," he sighed. "We'll find her and bring her home. Then you better man up and apologize for being a dick and shove the one good thing you have in your life away."

"What if we're to late to save her?" I mumbled.

"Don't talk like that," Hacker said. "You go get some sleep and when I find anything out I'll come get you first."

"Okay," I sighed before heading to my room upstairs. I opened the door smiling when I saw Cookie and Prince curled up together on the bed.

Grabbing the picture frame off the bedside table staring down at it, "I'm sorry." I whispered letting my tears fall as I hugged the photo to my chest laying back on the bed.

"COWBOY," I jumped when someone yelled and slammed my door open.

"What?" I asked staring at Hacker, "Did you find her?"

"No," he said and I slumped on the bed. "But I did find Kayden's partner, the man goes by X. He's at Blue's right now."

Nodding I grabbed my leather jacket and bike keys before storming downstairs and headed towards the bad part of town.

"Hello Cowboy," the bastard in a Devil's Death vest smirk holding a knife to Blue's neck. "It been a long time."

"Get away from her," I growled glaring at the man.

"Fine," he laughed shove Blue towards me. "You and I have some catching up to do."

"Go outside," I muttered in her pushing her behind me. "Should have known that you would be apart of this."

"I'm only here to help," he shrugged. "You still using?"

  "Where is he?" I yelled.

"Around," he chuckled. "Having fun with the little girl of yours, she's actually quite a cutie, wonder if I could get her..."

"No," I yelled tackling him to the ground and hitting him repeatedly until someone pulled me back and restrained me.

"That's enough," Bullet said and I quit struggling. "We need him alive if we're going to find her."

"He threatened to touch her," I said jerking out of Colt and Triggers grasp and storming out of the bar.

"He threatened to touch her," I said jerking out of Colt and Triggers grasp and storming out of the bar

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