Chapter Thirteen

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"I never thought I'd see you again after your parents died," Macy said as we went through all of the paintings from the high school. "Your mother was the sweetest person I ever knew."

"Thanks," I smiled getting up. "Do you want something to drink? I have water, tea, kool-aid, and coffee that David made."

"Coffee," Macy said following me to the kitchen area. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I shrugged handing her the cup of coffee.

"Are you in love with Cade?"

"What?" I choked on my hot chocolate.

"Well," Macy asked staring at me and I sighed.

"No, yes, maybe. I don't know, it's easy to talk to him and he doesn't push me for answers or anything. I enjoy his company better than my friends and I know that sounds bad considering my experience with bikers."

"Not all bikers are bad," Macy said. "Cade and his friends are one of the good ones."

"I'm starting to realize that," I smiled. "I still get jumpy around Cade when I heard a loud sound or something and if I start having a panic attack he calms me down."

  "He helped Millie come out of her shell," Macy laughed. "Even after she died Cade comes around to give me a hand when I need it."

"Does he still love her?" I asked, "I mean I know he loved her but does he still...I don't know how to work this question."

"He blames himself," Macy said sadly. "When the accident happened Millie was on her way to meet Cade at the airport since his bike was at the clubhouse. When he realized why she was on the road he blamed himself and got into some bad stuff. Even now he has a hard time staying clean after his friends got him help."

"I had no idea," I mumbled looking down at my cup. "He seems so strong, like nothing can hurt him."

"Their the ones that get hurt the most," Macy said and I nodded. "Should we finish going through the pictures for the hospital?"

"Yeah," I nodded taking my cup with me to the front of the office.

"Hello," I mumbled answering my phone as I glanced at my clock. "Tommy this better not be a joke, it one-thirty in the morning."

"Flower," someone groaned and I sat up checking the caller ID seeing Cade's name.

"Cade," I whispered worriedly. "Where are you? Your friends have been looking for you for the last week."

"I'm at some bar," he slurred. "Its not like anyone cares where I'm at."

"I care," I argued putting my phone on speaker as I pulled my sock draw open. "Tell me where your at and I'll come get you."

"Your to sweet on me, flower." Cade laughed with no humor, "I deserve to be hated, I couldn't save my wife, or the twelve year old boy. I'm a killer."

"No your not," I whispered grabbing my keys and running out to my car. "Cade your not a killer, but enough of that talk where are you. The name of the bar your at?"

"No clue," he mumbled. "There's a frog on the sign."

"A frog?" I mumbled before it clicked, "I know where you are, do not leave and I'll be there in twenty minutes. Cade, are you listening to me."

"Yes ma'am," Cade said and the line cut off.

"Thank you Tommy," I muttered finally grateful for all the times he dragged me to parties and bars.

"What can I help you with?" The bartender asked.

"I'm looking for a friend of mine," I said pulling Cade's picture up on my phone. "Is this man still here?"

"Over there," the guy pointed to a corner. "He hasn't left this bar in five days."

"Thanks," I sighed walking over to Cade. "Hey."

"Flower?" Cade said pulling me into a hug, "You came, my little flower came."

"You called me," I said wrinkling my nose. "You need a shower."

"Shower with me," Cade said and I groaned.

"Let's go," I grumbled tossing a fifty dollar bill on the table before pulling Cade to my car.

After I got us back to our houses I helped him into his and pushed him into the master bathroom and started the shower. Helping him out of his jeans and shirt I pushed him in the shower leaving my clothes and his boxers on, washing his front and back I rinsed him off and pulled him our and dried him off before pushing him to the bedroom and tossing him some dry boxers and sweatpants before grabbing a shirt for me.

"Lily," Cade whimpered as I covered him up. "Can you lay with me?"

"Um," caught off guard I stood up straight only for Cade to pull me under the covers with him and his head laying on my shoulder and his arms wrapped tightly around me.

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