You're Fine

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Hands shaking,
Blood covering every finger.

What am I doing here?
Why is the glass broken?

Body shivering,
The ground looks so soft.

The mirror looks so twisted,
Shattered and broken.

If I lie down,
Would I sleep like those beautiful people you dream of?

It reminds me of my own mind,
Broken to tiny pieces without a thought.

Torn and ripped,
For someone elses use.

Frayed and clawed,
My skin is hidden with thousands of these.

But quiet,

All we do is ask for attention,
Oh attention.

Take that light off me,
You can shove it in some preppy plastics face,

I'd rather fake my smiles in the dimness of the shade,
So fuck off will you?

...Im sorry.
My mind breaks and shambles creak,

I feel a part of myself slipping away.
Even when I ask,

The answer is always the same...

"You don't any help, you're perfectly fine, honey."

Oct. 17, 2016

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