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If you feel broken,
If you feel hurt,
Know that the sun has felt the mend.

The lunar lights lead,
Forever unto the abyss.
Maybe we can meet again in seed.

Hold my hand,
Take your time,
Take this stand.

If you're bored to death,
Sick of this,
Take that sword from its sheath.

Sick of it,
Cut off the head,
Say goodbye to shit.

You deserve what you fight for,
Make it worth the good,
Make it worth the worst war.

Hold my hand,
Take your time,

If you're sick of the bullshit,
If you're sick of the lies,
If you can't stand the lies it,

Hold my hand,
Take a stand,
There's no more time.

~Me, March 27

I know it doesn't make much sense, shush.

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