Imagine Something For Me

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Imagine an angel,
Fallen and small,
Sweet and fragile,
Bent and kneeling,
Crying for a demons world.

Imagine a demon,
Gentle for her,
Knowing his place was to hurt her but never able to.

Imagine this angel hurt, broken, bleeding.
Wounded beyond what many would think repairable.

Imagine this demon cradling her close,
Whispering sweet nothings,
Only wishing to help her.

She's an angel in a demons world.

Broken beauty.

He's the demon of chaos,

Swirling desires.

They were never meant to meet.

But they are the perfect unity.

-Me, Dec. 7, 2016
You don't have to see this as a poem. I just want you to see this in your mind.

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