Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

I couldn't believe she was really gone, I wanted to know were she was , were she went and who she was with. I know I messed up, but I didn't understand why she had to leave and not even tell me goodbye. After my long hard day at school and ran out of the school wanting to cry not feeling the same way without her. And got in my car and slammed the door shut and tried to get my keys out madly. I was so mad I dropped my keys on the floor board and I just slammed my broken fist into my steering wheel. I started crying more about her leaving then how bad I was hurting, and I was so pissed off at myself for doing that to The one I only truly loved. I picked up the keys and saw a picture hanging on to the ring holding onto the rest of the keys. I looked at it and saw my Faith smiling when she was in 8th grade and it was her school picture. We were mad at each other by then, but when she got her pictures she threw them away and I got one out of the trash. When she saw that I had it she told me I was creep and I needed to get a life. It kinda hurt that she told me that, but I was able to hide the pain with a fake smile and turning around and cussing her out. I was shot back to reality when this guy came up to my window and knocked on it angrily. I turned to see his face and listened to him cuss me out and that's when I knew people found out. I took a deep breath and knew I couldn't freak out on him or someone would get hurt. I opened the door and stepped out onto the street with my white converse. The guy was tall, but I was taller, but was much more built then I was. He looked at me and pointed his finger in my face and spoke up.

"What man you are!! Hitting a girl and leaving marks!!! What the hell is wrong with up you!!!!" He said. I stood up straighter showing I could beat his ass to the ground, but he wasn't intimidated and he took off his jacket.

"You going to say anything you little pussy?!?" He said standing to meet my eye level. I looked him in the eye and didn't know what to say. He then pulled his fist back and punched me right in the face and grabbed me and kneed me in the stomach making me fall to the ground. I spit out some blood dripping from my mouth and then stood up. By now there was a crowd in the parking lot watching this little fight, and I was going to give them what they wanted to see. I wiped my mouth then came at him. I put my wrist back shoving the palm of my hand into his nose feeling the crunch underneath my hand. He fell back onto the ground banging his head on the pavement. He got up slowly then came up to me with his fist pulled back again, but I grabbed his hand I put it behind his back. He yelled in pain then I whispered in his ear.

"If your going to fight, fight like a man." I said to him throwing him to the ground. He got up and ran to his friends then I got in my car and slammed the door shut. I drove off quickly seeing him and his friends trying to clean him up. I drove off speeding away seeing girls wave at me goodbye falling in love with me. I was speeding down the road until I came to a quick stop. I put the car and park and ran my fingers threw my hair begging to sob. I thought about the night that my bare skin touched hers and how much more I fell in love with her every minute. I missed her more then I had missed anyone ever before. I wish I could have done that night over again and gained her trust back. I wiped away the tears and took my phone out of my pocket. I went the my contacts until I found Faith's number and i hit call. It rang and rang and then her voice mail come on.

"hey this Faith the one and only leave a call at the beep!!!" I heard her sweet voice say. I heard the beep and I took a deep a breath and spoke.

"hey Faith I um just wanted to see what you are doing and were you went."I started crying." I love you Faith please just come back please!" I said threw sobs. I hung up the phone and threw it in the passenger seat. I put my head on the steering wheel and cried like I had never cried before. I wiped my eyes free from tears and drove off. I came to a slow stop when my gut told me to go to the tree House. I took a deep breath and turned the car around and went there. when I got there and took a deep breath and stepped or off my car and stood there looking up at the little house. I climbed up the small old ladder. When I got up there I saw there was a bear moved and a picture at the small table. I walked over to it and saw a picture of her and I when were much younger. I picked up the picture and saw my sight getting blurry from tears filling my eyes. When I picked it up a note fell from it and hit the cold floor. I bent down and picked it up and slowly opened it. I saw Faiths simple hand writing telling me everything I had wanted to know. I read it hearing her voice like she was right there reading it to me. I took a deep breath in and put the note to my lips kissing it wishing it was really her lips. I then heard someone come up the stairs and I thought fir one minute it was her, but to my surprise it was this g from my Geography class.

"Um....hello?" I said to her watching as she looked around.

"Well hello there." She said to me getting closer to me.

"May I help you.... Um Katy." I said unsure of her name.

"Well yes you can Harry. I saw you beat the shit out of that guy and well thought maybe I could stop by and see how you were doing." She said inches away from me. I saw her hips in her tight little skirt and her boobs popping out of her tiny top. She bit her lip and winked at me.

"Like what you see?" She said. I couldn't speak and before I knew it she placed her hand on my chest and pushed me into one if the chairs. She then sat on my lap straddling me with her lips close to mine.

"Give me what I came for." She whispered into my ear making me shiver. I didn't know what I was thinking but it didn't matter at the moment and my hands slipped up her thighs slowly. She put her head back and moaned a little. I kissed her neck and she started taking off my shirt, but I stopped her. She jumped back and looked at me confused.

"What's wrong?" She said cupping my face with her hand.

"I can't I don't even know you." I said. She slid off my lap and and fixed her double D boobs.

"I will be back Harry" she said blowing a kiss to me and walking out of the tree house. I sat there in the chair and fixed my shirt and then thought about what I almost did. It wasn't fare to Faith, but at the same time it wasn't fare to me because she never loved me , I mean Faith and I weren't even dating and that's when I knew I needed to move on.

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