Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

My alarm went off for school and I got up and threw it across my room hearing it break. I went back to bed and then my sister came in.

"Get your lazy ass out of bed Harry!!" She screamed at me. I threw my pillow at her face to just piss her off even more. She then grabbed all my covers off of me onto the ground.

"Fuck off Gemma!" I screamed at her.

"Go take your damn depression pills and go to school!!" She yelled at me and then she stormed off. Gemma is my older sister and we were close until all of this shit started with Faith. Anyways I got up and went to the restroom tempted to take all the pills and just not have to deal with the pain anymore. I opened the cap and only took two and popped them into my mouth wanting more. I started taking these pills after the whole thing happened to make my depression go away. I would always think about how I hit Faith and everything that happened, as my mood would sky rocket. I never really did anything anymore and it pissed my family off. My mum has always been there for me, but I know she is done with my bullshit. My step dad is caught up in work all the time, and I don't really talk to my dad anymore. Anyways I got ready quickly and stormed downstairs. I grabbed some food and got in my car yelling goodbye to my mum and Gemma. I drove off and didn't want to go to school. Faiths friend Renee wouldn't let me forget about it and it pissed me off. I had been texting Faith everyday and I knew she had looked at them. I wanted to here from her again, but knew my chances were slim. I ran into school late again and just quickly got to my class. In the hallway I passed by Katy and she just winked at me. She would pop her boobs out and her butt and I would just smirk. I couldn't tell if I really liked her or if it was just because I missed Faith. She was completely opposite of Faith which I liked, but i liked the innocents of Faith as well. I stopped looking and went to my class opening the door and seeing everyone staring at me. I just sat down with a huff, girls staring at me and laughing to each other. I just rolled my eyes and took out my stuff and started working. Then Mrs. Lovender came up to me.

"Harry. Late again to my class. Last chance Styles. Get your act together." She spat at me making me cringe.

"As your please your majesty." I said bowing my head and reaching out my arms. She put her nose up in the air and walked away. People laughed but I didn't care I just wanted this day to be over.

Faiths POV

I got up 1 hour early and threw my cute jeans on and a nice top showing a little but not to much. I went into the bathroom and straightened my hair. I put makeup on and topped it off with some pink lip stick. I looked in the mirror and smiled to myself ready for the tour of the school. I ran down the stairs and grabbed myself some breakfast. I ate it slowly taking in the green hills outside the window. I went outside and sat down in a chair and just looked around. It was breath taking and I couldn't believe I was really going to live here. I then checked my watch and went back inside. I put my plate in the dish washer and left a note for my uncle. I then ran out the door and hopped in my old blue car. I was driving listening to my phone telling me were to go. I eventually pulled up to a huge building with kids out front. I smiled and took a deep breath checking my boobs and lip stick before I got out. I took a deep breath and walked up to who seemed to be the principal.

"Well hello! You must be Faith." She said.

"Yes ma'am." I said reaching out my hand. She shook it and lead me inside.

"Oh and my name is Mrs. Lavean." She said sweetly. She took me into her office.

"So we will have a student come in here and take you around. I'm a bit busy right now. I will see you soon." She told me then went out of her office leaving me there. I sat there on the tall chair and looked around at her desk. She had a nice family and the school colors were Green and Orange. This school was a great school and I was excited to be able to go here. The only thing I wasn't looking forward to were the uniforms. The weren't very cute and I didn't like them, but oh well. I was about to pick something up when the door opened. I looked up and saw a familiar face. It was the tall dirty blonde haired boy I saw at the airport. He smiled at me with this adorable smile.

"Well i thought I would only see you in my dreams." He said in his cute Irish accent. I laughed at him feeling myself blush.

"Well Niall I'm very surprised yet very happy to see you!" I said to him. He just laughed and held out his arm. I grabbed it and we started the tour. We talked and got to know each other very well and I was starting to fall for him. He was so charming and his little laugh was so amazing! Unfortunately the tour came to an end and I let go of his arm.

"Well Faith it has sure been a pleasure to get to accompany you. I will see your pretty face around." He said with a wink then left a kiss on my hand. He was such a gentleman and I felt my heart skip a beat. I was in love with this adorable Irish boy and I didn't know what to do about it.

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