Chapter 6

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Faith's POV

I was getting off the plane and people were pushing an shoving me around. The plane ride was terrible and the people around me were so annoying. When we touched down in Dublin I was so done and I needed to get off. I didn't know why I was so easily pissed off but I was. I got my stuff and watched as my uncle was shoved off the plane not even able to wait for me. I stepped out into the isle and walked off frustrated. I was rushing and tripped and my things went flying. I almost hit the ground when I felt strong arms hold me. I stood up with his help and turned around to see the persons face. I felt myself blush when I saw that this guy was tall and so hot. His eyes were like the ocean and he had blonde/brown hair. His adorable smile made me melt and I was speechless. He laughed this adorable laugh and then spoke to me in his little Irish accent.

"Well hey there beautiful." He said letting go of me. I brushed myself off and gave him a cute smile.

"Hi." I said nervously.

"Me names Niall, what's yours?" He said to me.

"Um um I'm uh....." I took and deep breath and smiled again.

"I'm Faith." I said pushing some of my hair behind my ear.

"That's a cute name." He said but before I could say anything my uncle came and grabbed my arm and drug me away.

"Bye!" He yelled to me. I waved at him and walked quickly out of the airport. When I got out my uncle laughed at me and shoved me.

"What was that for?!" In said pushing him back.

"Your a little flirt, that's what that was for." He said laughing. I just laughed then took out my phone and turned it on. I soon felt it buzz in my pocket like 6 times. I looked at it to find it was Harry texting and calling me. I read some of the messages from him but couldn't bring myself to hear his voice mail. I wasn't ready to here what he had to say and I didn't know if I ever would. I shoved my phone in my pocket and just brushed it off and put a smile back on my face. We started driving off and I looked around. I saw the beautiful green hills and all of the cool buildings. It seemed so much nicer and that everyone there was so much nicer. I couldn't stop thinking about that Niall guy that I had met and just wanted to see his face again. I wished that I could have gotten his number because I wanted to talk to him again. When we pulled up to his house it was huge and beautiful. I sat in the car and stared at the beauty.

"Hey are you there?" My uncle said to me.

"Hmm yea I'm here. Your house it's just amazing!" I said memorized. He laughed and helped me out of the car. I got my stuff and went inside. When I opened the door I took in the amazing architecture in there. This little old lady came up to me and took my stuff without a word. I was a bit surprised so I followed her up the stairs. I ran my fingers along the old rusting metal that led up the stairs. I followed the lady down a hallway that was dark and cold. I felt chills run up my spine and I was a little freaked out. She got to a door at the end of the hall way and took out some old keys. They rattled in her hands and then the door opened. She put her arm out and gestured me to go inside. I walked slowly past the old creepy lady and looked around. The room was amazing and big but only one window. It was a bit weird but I knew I would get use to it. I turned around to thank the lady but she was gone. I took my stuff and started unloading. I jumped about 20 ft when my uncle came in.

"Holy shit you scared me!" I said loudly.

"Sorry dear. Um this is your room and um dinner will be ready soon. Take a look around, get to know the place." He said weirdly, I shook it off and grabbed my jacket. When I got outside I looked around at the big green fields and the large trees. I felt the Irish wind blow my hair and I smiled. I found a large tree and climbed up it and sat on a large branch. I looked around at the beautiful nature and felt my mom with me. I could here her soft voice speak to me threw the wind. I felt like crying but held it all in. I knew that holding it in though would have some consequences later. I put my hand to the tree and thought about the tree house. I saw Harry and I laughing and saw our lips touch. I saw him lay me on the floor and him touch my skin. Then I saw him raise his hand and bring it to my face. I grabbed my cheek feeling the pain and I screamed. I opened my eyes and breathed in and out quickly. I looked around and realized it was all just my imagination. I knew it really happened though and I would always be scared. I got my phone out and saw his messages and I got so mad I threw my phone to the ground. I heard it crash and I started crying really hard.

"Fuck you Harry!!!! You ruined me!" I screamed out to the wind. I knew no one heard me but I hoped Harry felt terrible about what he did. He didn't understand how much he hurt me. I cried so hard and didn't know if I would ever be the same. I then heard my uncle yell "dinner!" I jumped out of the tree and walked back to the old house. When I got inside I smelled wonderful food and smiled to myself. I went into the dining room which was huge. I sat down at the huge table with a lot of food sitting there. I smiled at my uncle and he smiled back. I ate my dinner which was amazing and sat and chatted with my uncle.

"Why did um you and mum um... Stop talking?" I asked quietly. He just huffed and took out an old cigar from his pocket. He lit it and took a big puff.

"Dear some things you just can't let go of even when you get older." He said, but that we're the last words he said about it. He then just excused himself and walked to his room. I sat at the empty table I then just got up and went to my room. Walking up the stairs at night was creepy and much weirder than in the day. I walked into my room and decided to take my stuff out and make the room mine. I opened the closet and turned on some music and danced around. I put my clothes in the closet one by one singing along to my favorite song. I picked out my outfit to wear to go take a tour of my new school. I laid down on my bed and then took out a picture of my mom. I saw her long black hair running over her small shoulders. It was before she stared drinking and she looked beautiful. I wiped away tears and sniffled.

"Mom you would know what to do about Harry." I said to the empty room. I knew I wouldn't get an answer, but I felt the room almost get warmer. I smiled to myself and felt her warm arms wrap around my body. I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep.

"I love you mum." I said generally before actually falling fast asleep.

*sorry guys!!! I didn't like how I had it at first so I changed it.I hope you like it so far! Let me know what y'all think!! Much love!!!*

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