Chapter Thirteen

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nothing is easy, choosing yoongi or taehyung, and those damn exams and homeworks. yes, now jimin and taehyung are now gone up to third grade. jimin couldn't really concentrate to his study, and that's not good for him but he tries, he tries to face those. but, school is so rude, he couldn't split his thought, school's seized his mind. so he decided to put his love-life aside for now. and yoongi agreed, but he's gone, again.

"don't think about yoongi, chim. he's not here. we need to study. and you need to eat, you looks terrible" taehyung says. when school is tough and jimin needs someone, there's only taehyung on his side, his mind kept spelling yoongi's name but taehyung's right, yoongi isn't there with him.

like the days before, jimin faces everything with taehyung. taehyung is really happy because of yoongi's sudden gone, 'this is my chance' he thought. taehyung always like their time alone, studying together, joking, fighting, eating, sleeping, even showering together. without yoongi, their friendship isn't like a normal friendship, some are look at them as gay, well, they're gay, but they're not really gay for each other.

taehyung always put in 'i love you' in his conversation with jimin. he tries his best to get jimin's love back. jimin's never mind it, jimin knows taehyung loves him, not caring if he's loved as best friend or as a boyfriend.

sometimes, his mind kept telling him to looked for yoongi, to asked for yoongi's whereabouts. but whenever he's fragile because of his mind, taehyung always managed to calm him, comforted him with his silly fad.

"you know, chim, i am the only one who's here when you're fragile, when you need that silent boy, when you need an attention, and of course when you need me. you know it too, chim, i love you the most. not him"


the final exam is coming, less than 24 hours, jimin's mind couldn't rest of thinking yoongi. he want to hear yoongi's voice before morning come. he want to call yoongi, but he's too scared to do it. he's afraid if yoongi might reject his call. "he promised me he'll be my side until i get the answer, but why he's gone, i need him now but why isn't he here, why isn't he calling or coming" jimin mumbles. then his phone buzzed. it's yoongi. 'do we connected by something?' he thought.

"uh, hi, hyung. where have you been?"
"school and home, sorry for not calling you. why haven't you sleep? you have to wake up early tomorrow"
"hyung.. i.. i.. missed you.."
"me too. but school made me too busy. i could only see my phone not more than 3 minutes, and my phone was sucks. i just repaired it yesterday."
"then why you didn't come?"
"i've told you, i was so busy. i'm so sorry, babe.."
"yes, what?"
"no, you call me babe?"
"yes and you should sleep now. sorry for disturbing you. i love you"
"no, you're not. i really want to hear your voice. i'm so happy you're calling, hyung."

"okay.. you should sleep now"
"but hyung.."
"you need sleep, baby. we meet tomorrow after school, i love you"

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