Chapter 1: Maisy

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It was a cold day in Denver, Colorado.
It was snowing and the wind was blowing strong.
As soon as the FBI jet landed the team headed straight to the crime scene. Another woman was found dead, that made 6 in just 4 weeks. The agents from the behavior analysis unit worked hard for 5 days to find the couple responsible for the murders, Liza and Thomas Clarkson.

"FBI, open the door" Hotch said as he knocked on the door. They had to go slow because it was believed that the couple had their 3 children inside the house.

But it didn't work and suddenly the shooting started.
Inside the house Liza ran away while Thomas shot at the agents.
After a couple minutes there was complete silence. Thomas was shot in the head and fell dead on the floor.

"Liza Clarkson, come out" Hotch said but there were no signs of the woman.
"Morgan, JJ, Reid, take the back. Prentiss and Rossi come with me" Hotch said.
They walked inside the house and the first floor was clear. Reid heard a little voice coming from the second floor and said "there's someone upstairs" and they headed to the second floor.
There was a door open and the "singing" was coming from there. Hotch walked there pointing his gun. He stood at the door and made a stop sign to the other agents.
"Liza, its over now" he said. He stepped inside the room and there were no signs of the woman.

The room was yellow and well taken care of. There was a crib on the right corner of the room with a 7 month-old baby boy inside. Connor was written with dark blue letters on the wall. There was a 2 year-old girl on a bed in the other corner, the girl had blond hair and was wearing a pink dress and purple socks. Julie was in pink letters on the wall above her bed.

"Morgan" Hotch said and Morgan walked in. He handed the baby to Reid and Hotch gave the 2 year-old to Rossi. "Take them to the hospital" Hotch said.

"Where is your sister?" Emily asked the 2 year-old, but the girl didn't answer, the little one just stared at Rossi.

"Turn this house upside down and find the child" Hotch said.

They searched the second floor and nothing. They headed to the third and found an office and a room with a lot of medical supplies. "Get CSI up here" Hotch said as he saw a lot of things that the couple probably used on their crimes.
They walked down the hall to another door. The door was white and had some drawings on it, child's drawing.
Hotch made a silence sign and opened the door slowly. He walked in to find a small blonde girl in the far corner of the room with her knees to her chest only wearing underwear. She looked terrified. He made a stop sign for the other agents and everyone froze. He gave Emily Prentiss a nod and she stepped forward.
She walked inside the room and her heart broke. The room was yellow too but it was different from the other one, it was dirtier and only had a small bed on the corner and a few toys next to it. The little girl was on the other side of the room trying to get as close to the wall as possible.

"Hi. I'm Emily. We are the FBI, the police. We came to help" she said but the girl just kept covering her ears and staring at the floor. Jennifer Jareau and Derek Morgan walked to the door and Hotch signed for them to stop.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" Emily asked but the girl didn't answer.

Suddenly JJ saw the drawings on the wall next to the door and saw a big "Maisy" written on the wall in little kid writing, as if the girl wrote there because she wanted her name on the wall like her siblings had.
JJ took a step closer to the girl and said "Maisy?" And nothing.
"Maisy, it's okay" she said and the girl looked up. "Hi" JJ smiled. "I'm Jennifer and we just want to help you. We're going to take you to a safe place now" she said and the girl just kept staring. "Can you come with me?" She asked holding out a hand.
The girl stared at it but didn't move.
"It's okay. Come on" JJ said taking a step forward. The girl looked away scared. JJ walked to her and kneed down next to her. She could see the child's small body shaking.
"Maisy, it's a little cold in here. It's snowing outside. Are you cold?" She asked and the girl gave her a small nod. JJ took her FBI jacket off and went to put it on the girl who just moved away.
"It's okay it's just my jacket" JJ said and Maisy let Jennifer put it around her shoulders. "Why don't we go to a warmer place, huh? Your brother and sister are going too" JJ said and Maisy looked at her. "Do you want to go with them?" She asked.
Again only a small nod from Maisy.
"Come on" JJ said holding out a hand again. This time Maisy took it. JJ helped her get up and took a step forward. The girl walked and let out a little cry. She was in pain.
"Can I carry you?" JJ asked.
Maisy shook her head no, scared.
"It's okay. You're in pain, maybe if I carry you it wont hurt" JJ said and kneed down. Maisy looked down and JJ lifted her up. The girl was stiff in her arms. Jennifer carried Maisy to the car and Prentiss and Morgan followed. She placed the girl on the backseat and sat next to her. Prentiss and Morgan got on the front.

"Maisy, these are my friends, Emily and Derek. They'll take us to a safe place now. We'll meet your sister and your brother there. Okay?" JJ said as the girl just kept looking down.
Morgan started the car and headed to the hospital.

When they got there JJ picked Maisy up and carried her inside. The girl was still so stiff in her arms.
She laid the child on the bed and as the doctor approached the little one grabbed her shirt.
"It's okay. I'll be right here" JJ said pushing some messy blonde curls away from the girl's face.
The doctor, Sam Johnson, walked closer and Maisy got on her knees and threw herself on JJ. She was shaking and was clearly terrified.

"Can we get a girl doctor please?" Emily said as she noticed the girl hiding her face from the man.

"Of course" doctor Johnson said and walked out.

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