Chapter 5: Left Behind

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As Maisy slept, the team worked hard to find her mother.
A man had called in saying he saw someone with Liza's description walking in downtown Stonebridge so the team headed there with the Police. Emily and JJ stayed in the station with Maisy.

After some time Emily went out to get some coffee, JJ placed Maisy on the couch and went out with her. The kid was sleeping heavily so she thought she wouldn't wake up any time soon.

"You like her, don't you?" Emily asked as they stepped outside.

"Of course I do, she's adorable" said JJ.

"I mean you really like her" Emily said but JJ wasn't paying attention anymore. She saw the board and Maisy's photograph was in there. She looked at those but didn't really paid attention when she arrived at the station, she couldn't imagine what a terrible life that little girl had.
She suddenly felt the room where the girl was sleeping was calling back for her, she had to go back before the child woke up.
She quickly went to get some papers with an officer and when she was walking back to the room the little girl ran to her and hugged her legs tight. Maisy didn't care about the pain she was feeling, she just wanted JJ.

"You said you'd be there!" Maisy cried.

"I'm right here." Jennifer picked the kid up. "I just came to get some things." She explained as Maisy cried.
Emily, JJ and Maisy headed back to the room. JJ sat down and Maisy refused to let go of her so she held the girl on her lap and Maisy slowly went back to sleep.

About 30 minutes later, a social worker walked in with the two other kids. Maisy woke up with the sound of Connor crying. She sat up and smiled when she saw them.
Emily and JJ smiled too, happy to see such a cute smile on the child's face.
Julie ran to the room when she saw Maisy. The 2 year-old was clearly scared too.
The social worker walked to the room trying to calm Connor in her arms.

"Hi, I'm Lorena Jones" she said and shook Emily's hand. Emily let the little boy grab her finger and he stopped crying and just stared at her. JJ stood up to talk to the woman.
Maisy was sitting down on the couch with Julie cuddled next to her.

"Can we watch the movie?" Maisy asked.

"Sure" JJ said and went to restart the film.

About 20 minutes into the movie, Hotch called Emily and asked to speak with the social worker. They talked and then the woman hung up.

"May I speak with you two outside?" Lorena Jones said.

JJ and Emily walked to the door and Suddenly JJ felt someone hug her legs. She looked down to find Maisy there. "It's okay, I'll be right back. Go watch the movie, honey" she said but Maisy didn't let go so she kneed down and said "Maisy, Julie needs you to stay with her now. Can you do that for her? Can you watch her for a little while?"
Maisy thought about it and then walked back and sat on the couch. JJ heart ached as she watched the little girl limping slightly.
They walked outside while the two girls watched the movie.

"Agent Hotchner explained that their Aunt will take them" Lorena said and Emily and JJ breathed out relieved to know the kids had somebody.

JJ noticed the woman still looked concern.
"What's wrong?" JJ asked.

"She'll take the two younger ones. She does not want Maisy" Lorena said.

"What? She can't do that" JJ said a bit angry.

"We try to keep siblings together but with this case is hard. The aunt said that Maisy knows too much, she has seen too much and she doesn't want to have to deal with that. And we can't make her" Lorena said.

"So what's gonna happen then?" JJ asked.

"Connor and Julie will go with the aunt and Maisy will go into foster care" Lorena said.

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