Chapter 4: Stonebridge

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"Done bridge?" Morgan asked confused.

"She doesn't know what it is but she said Liza went there" Emily said.

Spencer was puzzled but after some time it hit him. "Done... done... STone" he whispered. "That's it! Stonebridge!" He said.

"What?" Emily asked.

"Stonebridge!" Spencer repeated.

"The city?" Emily said.

"Yes" Reid said. "She probably heard them talking."

"It's not that far from here" Morgan said.

"Call their police station" Hotch told Morgan. "Prentiss, see if she remembers anything else" he said and everyone went their ways to do something.


Emily walked inside the room to find Maisy still crying as JJ held her tight.
"Maisy, they can't hurt you anymore" Emily said sitting next to them.

"Daddy will be so mad" Maisy cried. "I shouldn't.." she said and sobbed.

"Shuuuu" JJ said standing up and walking around the room with the girl in her arms. "You're safe now. Shuuu" she kept saying.

"Where's Julie?" The little girl asked.

"She'll be here soon" JJ said and kept rocking Maisy.

Emily waited till Maisy calmed down and tried again.
"Maisy, can I ask you a few questions?" Emily asked as JJ walked back to the couch. Jennifer sat down and Maisy just stared at Emily. "It's okay if you don't know all the answers" she said and Maisy gave her a nod.

"When did you hear your dad talk about Stonebridge?" Emily asked and JJ realized the girl was talking about the city, she just said the name a little wrong.

"In the morning when mommy was packing her gu-" Maisy said low and suddenly she felt really scared. She hid her face on JJ's chest and it was almost involuntary.

"What was she packing?" Emily asked softly. Maisy started shaking her head no again and couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"Does she have a gun?" Emily asked and it just made it worse.

"Don't tell! Don't tell! You're not suppose .." Maisy said and just sobbed. Jennifer instantly hugged the girl and whispered soothing words in her ears as she cried.

Emily went out and told the team Liza was armed.
"We'll be keeping Maisy here with us under witness protection for a while." Hotch said and Emily nodded agreeing. She went back to the room and told JJ.

"Her siblings should be here any time now" Emily said.

"Julie" Maisy whispered.

"Yeah, Julie is coming" JJ said and sat back down placing Maisy next to her on the couch.

"So I was wondering if you'd like something to eat and drink." JJ said a little worried, she really didn't know why but she was feeling different about this kid.

"No thank you. I just want to go home with Julie" The girl said.

"Look you can't go right now because we need your help." Emily said and Maisy looked away. "Can you please help us?"

"No." Maisy politely answered.

"Look you are our only chance of finding your mommy and we need your help." Emily said.

"I don't want mommy to come back" Maisy said with tears in her eyes.

"We need to find her so we can send her to a place far far away so she won't be able to hurt you anymore" Jennifer said holding back her tears. She didn't know why she was getting so emotional.

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