Chapter 10: Temporary

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The next morning, JJ and Emily woke up around 8 and sat at the table to talk while Maisy slept.

"Did you talk to Will?" Emily asked.

"Yeah. He said we'll talk when I get back" JJ said looking worried and Emily gave her a nod. "He didn't really sound like he wants this"

"He needs time to think, JJ." Emily said and suddenly her phone rang. It was Hotch. He told her that CPS called and they were sending the social worker. He explained everything to Emily and they hung up.

"So?" JJ asked worried.

"Hotch said Lorena will be working on her case still. And that CPS is sending her today" Emily said.

"What? Today?!" JJ said scared. Maisy shifted on the bed and Emily shushed JJ.

"In about an hour. But calm down. He said that he told them about someone on the team wanting to take the girl. So they said that we have to talk to Lorena and she'll tell us exactly what to do" Emily said.

"So they're not taking her away?" JJ asked.

"I don't think so" Emily said.

"You don't think so?" JJ said low but a little angry. "No! They can't just come and take her away!"

Emily shushed her again and when she looked at the bed her heart broke. "Maisy" Emily said feeling bad.
Maisy was awake and she had tears streaming down her face.

"Oh honey" JJ said and walked to the bed. Maisy threw herself in JJ's arms.

"I don't wanna go" Maisy cried. She was so scared.

"Shhhh it going to be okay" JJ said.

"Please I don't wanna go! I wanna stay here with you! I wanna stay with you" Maisy kept crying.

"I know, honey. I know" JJ said feeling bad. She rocked Maisy for a while and the girl started to calm down. Once JJ saw she was calmer she decided to explain.
"Maisy, do you remember that lady that took your brother and your sister to the police station?" JJ said and Maisy nodded. "She'll come here today".

"Why? Is she gonna take me back to them?" Maisy asked sounding scared.

"No no, honey." JJ said. "Look" she said and Maisy looked her in the eyes. "They found your mom toda-"

Maisy cut her off "no! Please i don't want mom. Don't. I don't.. I wanna stay here" Maisy cried.

"Shuu! Maisy look at me. Listen to me" JJ said as Emily walked to the bed. Maisy looked at her but the tears kept falling and she looked scared.

"You're never going to live with your mother again. She did a lot of bad things. No one will take you back to her now. Do you understand?" JJ said.

"Not even that lady? Or aunt Kim?" Maisy asked.

"No. they can't take you to her. Not to her and not to your dad. You're safe now" JJ said.

Maisy hid her face on JJ.
Maisy wanted to believe it so bad but something deep down kept telling her that they'd find her and they'd get her back.

JJ looked at Emily and she wasn't sure of how to explain their plan. So Emily started...

"Maisy, do you remember how JJ talked to you about them finding you a new mom and Dad? Good ones"

Maisy looked at Emily and said "I just want to stay here."

"I know you do. We know" JJ said.

"But this is a hotel, Maisy. It's not a house and you can't live in a hotel" Emily said.

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