Chapter 9: Finding A Home

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About an hour later JJ woke up. She smiled when she saw Maisy had a tight grip on her shirt and was hiding in her stomach.

"You are so in love with her" Emily said with a smile. JJ sat up and covered Maisy up, ignoring her friend's comment.
"JJ, you know she's getting attached to you, right?" Emily asked.

"Yeah" JJ said.

"They found Liza" Emily spitted out.
Hotch had called her about 30 minutes earlier to let her know they found the woman at a farm about 20 minutes away from downtown Stonebridge.

JJ breathed out relieved to know that but then she looked at Maisy and she felt a lump on her throat.

"You know cps will take her now. We need to get her ready" Emily said.

"Yes Emily I know" JJ said a little out of patience, getting off the bed and walking to the bathroom. She really didn't want to think about that.

"Hey" Emily said grabbing her friend's hand when JJ walked past her, making JJ look at her. "What's going on?"

"Nothing" JJ said a bit upset.

"I know it's not nothing. Don't lie to me" Emily said standing up. "You really like her don't you?"

"Yes I do" JJ said serious. "I just..." she said and looked down. "I want to take her. The moment she held my hand in the hospital, I just..."

"You should then" Emily said and Jennifer gave her a look.
"Will" Emily said realizing that JJ couldn't just say she'd take the girl home with her and that was it, she had a husband and a son waiting for her already.

"Exactly" JJ said. "I texted him and told him that we were in the hotel with her but I need to talk to him about all of this... but I know he'll want to think about it and I just.... I can't let her go with them. She's 4 and she's been through so much. And...We can't control where they'll take her. What if she ends up with someone bad? We don't know" JJ said.

"I'll take her for a while" Emily said. "I'll foster her for as long as needed" Emily said.

"Really? Would you really do that?" JJ asked surprised.

"Of course" Emily smiled. "I see the way you are with her. It's different. You never treated anybody else like that, only Henry. And honestly... I knew... from the moment you asked that doctor to give her some time. I knew you wouldn't let her go anywhere" Emily said.

"Are you sure about this?" JJ asked.

"Yeah" Emily smiled.

"Thank you" JJ said and gave Emily a hug. "I'm gonna talk to Will soon" JJ said.

"You don't have to hurry, okay? She can stay at my house for as long as you need" Emily said and JJ nodded. 

"Thank you" JJ said.

Emily smiled, she could see how JJ was relieved. Emily was a bit scared of doing that but she wanted to do it for JJ. She knew Will would need to think about it and Maisy would end up in a foster home while they decided. She really didn't want the girl to be even more scared, so she wanted to help.

JJ really wanted to just go home and take Maisy with her but she knew she had to talk to Will about it. She was very thankful Emily wanted to help her though.
JJ and Emily sat together and talked a bit about what the next steps would be to take Maisy to DC with them. Both knew they'd have to stay a little longer in Denver so JJ text Will.

JJ: "Emily and I are staying here to solve a few things regarding the girl"

Will: "okay. Your boy misses you. Don't be long"

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