Chapter 6: Safe Now

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They got to the hotel and when Emily parked the car Maisy whispered to JJ "why are we stopping?"

"That's the hotel we're staying" JJ said pointing to the building.

"What's a otel?" Maisy said mispronouncing it.

"It's called a Hotel, honey. And it's a building with a bunch of rooms that you can stay for a while when you're traveling" JJ explained gently tucking a curl behind the girl's ear.

"Can my mom come to hotel?" Maisy asked a little scared.

"No." JJ said and Maisy breathed out relieved. "She'll never hurt you again" JJ said and wrapped the girl in a hug.

"Let's go?" Emily said.
JJ unbuckled Maisy, got out of the car and carried the little one inside the hotel. They got inside the elevator and pressed 8, the elevator started going up and Maisy tightened her arm around JJ.

"What's wrong?" JJ asked worried and Maisy looked at her with a scared face and then looked around the elevator.
"It's okay, honey. This is called an elevator and this takes us up to our floor so we won't need to use the stairs." JJ said.

"Elevator" Maisy said with her sweet little voice making JJ and Emily smile.
They got to their floor and went to their room. JJ placed Maisy on the bed and asked if she wanted to watch some tv. The girl nodded yes so Jennifer sat with her and turned the tv on.

"I'm gonna shower" Emily said.
Almost instantly Maisy cuddled up to JJ, a little scared.

"Okay" JJ said throwing her arm around Maisy's shoulder. She didn't realize why Maisy did that, she just thought she wanted to be close.

Emily took her time in the shower and when she walked out she found JJ and Maisy asleep cuddling on the bed. The little girl had her face hidden on Jennifer's belly. Emily laid on her bed and watched some tv, letting the two blondes rest.
JJ woke up about half an hour later and sat on a table with Emily to work on some paperwork they had.
They worked for about 20 minutes till a scream filled the room...

****Maisy's nightmare****
"Wake up Maisy" my daddy said. I opened my eyes and I was in the hotel where I went with Jennifer. But as I looked around the room she was not there. Daddy was sitting at the end of the bed with a smirk on his face. "Hello my sweet angel" daddy said coming closer to me. "Please daddy no" I cried. "Shush!" Daddy yelled and turned me around and took his belt out. That dark brown belt seemed to be even bigger this time. I felt so scared. "Please no" I cried but I'd didn't help. Daddy hit me and I screamed. He hit me again and another high pitched scream came out-

Maisy sat on the bed and looked around the room. When her eyes met JJ's she just ran to the woman. JJ scooped the girl up and rubbed her back gently repeating soothing words in the child's ear as Maisy cried.
JJ felt her hand was wet so she looked to the bed. "Oh Maisy you had an accident" JJ said when she saw a pool of urine on the mattress.

"I'm sorry! Please don't be mad. Don't hurt me. I won't do again" Maisy cried scared.

"No sweetie, I'm not gonna hurt you. It's okay. It happens" JJ said sitting at the edge of the bed with Maisy in her arms. "It's okay" she said and slightly rocked the girl.
Once Maisy calmed down, JJ said "let's get you cleaned up so we can order dinner".
She stood up and carried Maisy to the bathroom. She put Maisy down close to the tub and when the girl saw where she was she hugged JJ's leg.

"No! Please no! I'll be good. I'll be good" Maisy cried.

JJ kneed down and faced the girl. "Honey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. But you need to take a bath"

"No! No bath! No!" Maisy cried, pushed JJ away and ran out of the bathroom. She tried to get to their room door but Emily quickly ran and got her before she opened to escape.
The girl started kicking and screaming.
"No! Let me go! I won't do it again! Don't hurt me! Please No" she cried as Emily struggled to hold her.

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