Desperation is the key to Success

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Hey people!
I know it's been a long time since I updated, but until now I just couldn't come up with something to write. So I'm sorry that I updated so late.
On the other hand, by book got 132 reads and 15 votes! Way to go guys! Also my highest rank went from 380 to 111!!! Thank you! It's really encouraging to see these numbers.

This poem speaks about the factors that play a key role in ensuring success in ones chosen field. I tried to decide one main factor and it came down to desperation. It's unusual, but when I thought about it, if a person is desperate they are ready to do anything to bring them out of their current situation. With that attitude, people will actually make the famous proverbs come true.
I think it could have been written better and thus I need your feedback. Kindly vote and  comment.

Desperation is the key to Success

It is common knowledge,
Hard work is the key to success,
Where there is a will, there is a way,
Try, try but always fight.

However, is it so easy to heed?
With boredom and laziness,
As backstabbing friends,
Who have one face towards you,
But another away?

Is it easy to bring yourself to work,
While not doing it is much easier?
Is it easy to convince yourself to move,
When you are comfortably seated elsewhere?

This is the reason,
Why only a select few succeed,
They truly realize their wants,
And their wants are not whims.

It is their desperation to move on,
To forget, to achieve,
To fulfill their dreams,
They have no choice,
For their realities are bitter beings.

You need to want something more than life,
Be willing to sacrifice and not cry,
You need to be confident about your goal,
Or else you are striving to make real a lie,
Towards which, you truly won't work for.

Be desperate, for it is your friend,
It is the one thing that will motivate you till the end,
You will work, and work hard when you need,
You will try and try till you succeed.

Pain will ultimately pave way for pleasure,
You will lead the way,
To the doors of success that will undoubtedly open,
As you were desperate to reach this gate.

Vote and comment!

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