Girl in a hostel

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This poem was written when I moved out of my house for the first time. As a sheltered girl for whom there never existed any big problems before and who was mostly dependent on her parents for everything, the shift to the hostel was a big one.

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In the mist of a cheerful night,
I suddenly sense a longing within,
An urge to be reunited,
A dream I hope to fulfil.

I begin the journey inwards,
Speculating and planning the thoughts,
Of what all I've gained from this move,
And what all I've lost.

My life has certainly improved,
I'm now an independent woman,
The step of moving away from home,
Has been right according to reason.

But I cannot make this feeling go,
It ebbs and nags my very existence,
I long to go home,
To the welcoming open arms of my parents.

Yet I must steel myself,
I have a job to do,
Goals to accomplish,
And a lot to improve.

Living in solitude is a necessity,
Else I shall always depend,
On the luxuries of home,
And never make my own stand.

Thence I count down the long days,
Looking forward to my return date,
With excitement that only grows,
And eyes shining with hope.

I calm myself and call on to my patience,
The mid sem holidays are about to begin,
And I get back to work,
The long list of assignments has only begun.

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