1// Blue Triangles

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You still remember the day you learned about Bill Cipher.

You had asked what the graffiti around town, the town of your summer home, of a triangle with a single eye meant, and why all the adults wouldn't answer when you asked. You were young, but not too young to understand—or so you had thought. You mother, with her beautiful blonde hair that you had clumsily braided earlier, had sat you down and told you the story.

The story of fifteen years before you were born, when a demon nearly destroyed everything your mother loved.

She told of being terrified and taking shelter in an old building called the Mystery Shack, of seeing her own parents captured and petrified, of almost helping defeat the demon herself with a magical zodiac, and of the man, the hero, who had ultimately sacrificed his memory and defeated the demon.

You listened, enraptured, especially when she mentioned the two twins, that had been twelve, like her, that had helped defeat the demon, bravely leading the charge against him on numerous occasions. Could you, possibly, ever do such heroic, amazing things?

You wonder that now as, five years later, you walk through the Gravity Falls forest to the Pines household.

The dense forest surrounds you on either side, but you're on a path just wide enough for a car, strolling in the sunshine. A summer breeze brushes past your arms as you walk. You mother offered to drive you, but you declined, saying that you wanted to take the long walk through the forest. And that's true, but you also don't need your mother there making things more complicated.

Your mind wanders as you walk, which is good. You don't want to be obsessing over your destination the whole way there. As you peer into the forest on either side of you—a part of you hoping for a glimpse of a fairy or gnome—your thoughts are drawn back to Bill Cipher, and the dreams you've been having lately.

You haven't told your mom about them, because you don't want to worry her. But you've been seeing triangles a lot in your dreams. Not bowtie-and-top-hat-wearing ones, but definite triangle shapes, sometimes with circles inside of them that resemble eyes. They've been in the background of your dreams, on walls or floors or t-shirts.

And they've all been blue.

That's the main reason you've tried not to worry about it. Bill Cipher is yellow, you know that. And even if the triangles were yellow, that doesn't mean Cipher himself is in your dreams. You could just be dreaming about him because you hear a lot of stories about him.

You're brought out of your thoughts as you break out of the forest and into a big clearing, a large log cabin situated in the middle.

You're here.

You run up to the porch, hoping nobody is watching but unable to slow down. Your feet thump against the wooden steps as you jump onto the porch, stopping to straighten out your shirt and pat down your hair.

Then you knock.

Across Dimensions //Will Cipher x Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now