A/n- HAYHAY guise! Thanks so much for 410reads! Like thats just amazing! Please check out both 'Summer Love' by izzydyer13 and 'Holy Ground' by landaud, cuz there really good friends of mine with great fanfics! Don't forget to F.V.C.! Enjoy guys!
Chapter 22: Excuse Yourself Mr. Four Hour Hair Stylist!
Elle's p.o.v.:
Louis looked into my eyes and said, "Elle... It's over. I just don't love you anymore..."
"AHHHH!" My eyes fluttered open. I looked over at my side. Oh thank the lord. It was a dream. Louis was sleeping beside me curled up, snuggled to my arm. I snuggled back up to him. That was the worst dream...
"Hmmm" I groaned as I noticed a tickling sensation on my nose. I opened my eyes to find a sleepy, scruffy haired Louis stroking my nose. I smiled. Then I remembered my awful dream.
"Good morning gorgeous" Louis said kissing my nose.
"Good morning Lou" I said lazily as I kissed him back.
"It's time to get up Elle." He said getting out of bed. Omfg he. Is. Shirtless. I was not prepared. #dead
"BUT ITS 4a.m.!!!" I moaned. Me and getting up just go well together...
"UGHHHH! Elle get up or we might be late!" He scolded.
"Boo hiss." I said peeling myself from the bed. HALLELUJAH! I'm already packed! Thanks me from yesterday, your alright... I really need to stop talking to myself and or past self.
"SPINS THE WATER ANYTIME LOOK OUT IT IS SHOWER TIME!" Louis sang back to me through the wall. Yup were THAT cool. No. Not 'cool'... KOOL! The 'k' adds more umph I guess.
I got out of the shower, fully cleansed. All squeaky clean! Like a duck! Umm... That didnt work... Ok then moving on... Clothes. Yes, I need clothes... I pulled on leggings, my favorite skirt, a t-shirt (it may or may not have been a One Direction shirt...), and my favorite sweatshirt: my SUPERMAN sweatshirt. I put my contacts in, shedding my black framed nerd glasses, and put some basic makeup on. Ugh I'm too lazy to actually put an effort in... There twas a knock at the door.
"Are you ready yet?" Louis whined, "Even IZZY is ready!"
I opened the door whilst rolling my eyes, "Um PUH-LEAZ! Excuse yourself mr. Four hour hair stylist !"
"You did not just say that to me!" Louis exclaimed sassily, snapping in a z formation.
"YOU BEDA BA- LIEVE IT BOYA!" I yelled back as I ran down the stairs. SUCESS! I didn't trip. Good for you Elle... No tripping. YET...
"Are we gonna leave now?" I dead tired Izzy asked from her spot laying on the table.
"Yes yes... Now if you please... Remove yourself from the kitchen table..." I said dramatically, making gestures. And with that we left for the airport. One thing was still bothering me... My dream...
A/n- Hai guyz! Sorry I haven't updated in forever! I'm lazy and tired... Also this chapter is short. Sowry! Anyways don't forget to F.V.C.! Funny thing happened: I was playing Grand Theft Auto5 and two guys were fighting. As one of them walks away, the other says, "DONT HATE ME CUZ IM BEAUTIFUL" it's hard to describe how hard I laughed... I'm special! LOUVE YOU GUISE!!! Stay gorgeous my lovelies! Have a bountiful day!
Only me- louis tomlinson
FanficElle Ellwoodes has a passion for music, broadway, and one direction. As she goes to New York to pursue her dreams, she gets held up on her train. She meets Louis Tomlinson and loves him even more in person than on posters. Will she be another swooni...