A/n- hay hay! Sowry fur not updating... I'm lazy... Thanks soooo much for 495reads!!! It'd be great that if by tomorrow evening i could have 500... Hint hint... Don't forget to F.V.C. if you like the chapters. Don't worry, if you don't like then you can still F.V.C.! Enjoy guyz!
-you should know who the hell i am by now...
Chapter 24: In This Case Nauseating...
Elle's p.o.v.:
YUS! Finally the trip was over. Louis and I made our way off the jet with the others close behind.
Ugh why'd I pack so much?! Da FUQ was I thinking? Too. Heavy. So. Lazy....
"Would you like me to carry that for you?" Louis asked laughing at my struggle.
"Oh I see how it is... Laugh at my misery why don't you. Thank ya very kindly but I'm good!" I heaved. Louis rolled his eyes and took my suitcases with ease... Well shit I'm outta shape.
"Thanks Lou!" I chirped now free of my luggage. I skipped around him and planted a kiss on his cheek. And it made him blush... AWWW omfg. I made him blush. I mean I realize the fact he IS my boyfriend and all... But still...
"HAY GUISE!" Audrey yelled from behind us. Her and Zayn were holding hands, aww they're really cute.
"Hey! Where were you guys during the flight?" I replied casually.
"Well we kinda just sat and slept..." She stated awkwardly. I chuckled at her response.
"Where's Izzy and Harry?" Louis asked. Yeah where are they?
"I haven't seen them since the beginning of the flight..." Zayn said. Just then two brunettes entangled in each others arms decided to say hello.
"Where were you?" Liam asked curiously. I wanted to know too.
"Well we have just been hanging about!" Izzy said giggling. Harry had his arm around her waist and the same with hers. They both giggled together. Oh god... Kill it before it lays eggs. They are an ADORABLE couple but every couple at first is a bit sickening. Or in this case, nauseating... They were probably just all super lovey and happy. Maybe they can keep it a more private enclosed space. Kinda like Louis and I. He always gave me butterflies and he made me nervous all the time, but we aren't overly affectionate in public. Or we tried not to be...
Louis putting his arm around my shoulder pulled me out of my mind.
"Erm... Where are the bags?" I asked awkwardly.
He laughed "Silly they were already sent to the car so we don't have to carry them."
"Well you'll have to excuse my peasantry... I'm not used to such luxuries!" I said sarcastically
"Hey why we go out and have some fun tonight?" Audrey suggested.
"How about a club?" Zayn asked. Audrey's eyes lit up with excitement.
"Ooohhh! Yeah! You guys have to come! It will be super epic!" She chattered excitedly.
"I'm out!" Liam said immediately.
"Ugh... Fine. How abou' you guys?" She asked Louis and I.
"Why not?" Louis said. Dammit. I'll tell ya 'why not' I'm lazy and antisocial.
"Great! YO! Weirdos!" Audrey yelled snapping her fingers to attract Harry and Izzy's attention away from eachother.
"Actually we were going to stay in tonight for some 'us' time..." Harry trailed off.
"LAME!" Audrey retorted. "Niall? You in?"
"Nope I'm really tired I just wanna get some sleep..."
"Ok then... Louis, Elle, Zayn, and I will not be lame and go out to have fun. Unlike you losers!" And with that she stuck her tongue out and hopped into the car. I couldn't help but laugh at her. She's hilarious really! We all filed into the car. Apparently I'm going out tonight. Sigh.
A/n- sorry this was short! The next ones long and this wouldn't have meshed real well with the next chapter. So i separated them! Twill be posted sometime tomorrow! Please ignore spelling issues... I type on an iPad and usually sideways... MERRY CHRISTMAS! Or if not Christmas, 'Merry/Happy [insert holiday, activity, or occasion]!!!! Hope you have a great time with whatever your doing! Please check out 'Summer Love' by izzydyer13 its one of my favourites so please do! Thanks for reading! LOUVE YA GUISE! Stay beautiful my lovelies! Have a bountiful day!
Jk just me...

Only me- louis tomlinson
FanfictionElle Ellwoodes has a passion for music, broadway, and one direction. As she goes to New York to pursue her dreams, she gets held up on her train. She meets Louis Tomlinson and loves him even more in person than on posters. Will she be another swooni...