Chapter 5: Did I Say That Out Loud?! MOTHER PUSS PUCKET!!!

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A/n- I'm on a long driving trip so yeah... I've written several chapters today... AND ITSALL FUR U GUYZZ *sobs* I will mention u all in my Oscar acceptance speech! You're such beautiful people! In order to keep being lovely u guys should follow vote and comment or F.V.C!!! K den... Love u guyzz enjoy!!


Chapter 5: Did I Say That Out Loud?! MOTHER PUSS BUCKET!!!

Louis p.o.v.:

"So love, can I have your number?" I asked.

"UM OF COURSE!" She exclaimed giddily. "Uh sorry... I'm just excited 'cause I'm a Louis girl..." She blushed realizing what she said.

I felt a smile form across my face, I kissed her on the forehead "trust me, I'm just as excited to get your number" damn... When did I get so romantic?

She sighed happily into my shoulder, "When do you think think the blizzard will be over?" She asked softly.

"I don't know love. Did I mention that your the most beautiful girl I've ever met?"

She blushed and I kissed her, full on. What is wrong with me, I'm never like this... But she's different. It's like I love her already. It's like I've known her forever. It's like I've loved her forever.

Elle's p.o.v.:

HOLY SHIT HE IS LEANING IN. I REPEAT HE IS LEANING IN. Houston we have a kiss coming in. 3...2...1.. KISSSSSSS... OMFG HE IS KISSING ME!! I'm dying. I'm dead. If anybody asked how I died, well here's the truth: LOUIS TOMLINSON THE LOVE OF MY LIFE HAS KISSED ME... Plain and simple truth right there. That's what my tombstone will say. I love him. Is this like a dare or something cuz, a mister Louis the Tommo Tomlinson is FREAKING MAKING OUT WITH ME!!! OMG... I.CANT.FREAKING.EVEN... He broke away and I pouted, not wanting it to ever stop. Because I love him. I've loved him forever. I feel like I've known him forever (not just because I'm a stalker). "I love you" I said breathlessly. Oh shit... Did I say that out loud... MOTHER PUSS BUCKET!

Louis p.o.v.:

"I love you" the words she said stayed in my mind. Holy shit... She loves me? She looked absolutely horrified she said anything. Say something Louis...

"I love you too"

A/n- LAWLL #sortacliffhanger... #notreally... So make sure you F.V.C.! For the peasants who don't read my authors notes... F.C.V. means follow vote comment... Thanks for reading! Hope you like it!! I do try very hard... Let me know if ya like it or not! Actually if ya dont like it idgaf, so u can tell me anyway! YAYYY! Lawllll LOUVE U GUYZZZ! Cya soon! Have a bountiful day!


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