Chapter 17: Wolf whistles

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Derek's P.O.V ( trying something new )

The plane ride was pretty decent. Stiles and I played cards until he fell asleep on my shoulder. Once the plane landed, I grabbed my carry on while Stiles did the same and we walked of the plane with my parent. We walked over to the baggage claim so that we could meet up with my uncle Peter also I think Laura and Dustin is coming too, but I'm not 100% sure. Since we have a lot of bags, it took a little bit longer than normal.

Once we got to the spot where Uncle Peter was picking us up I spotted Laura and also Dustin. They look the exact same from when we had to leave a year before, and man have I missed my big brother. Don't get me wrong I've missed Laura too but I miss my bro time with Dusty. Normally he would barge into my room and rant about his girl troubles (not that I would know anything about that) but still it made me feel special. I must have been in my head for longer than I thought because mom and everyone else are already giving and receiving hugs.

"Der-der!! I've missed you!!!!" Laura says as she brings me in to a bone crushing hug." hey Laura! Can you please loosen your grip still human here for a good 8 months "I said as I was being squished like a bug.

"Oh shit! Sorry Der!" she said as she gave me a sheepish smile. The moment we have all been waiting for ladies and gentlemen she noticed Stiles. "Oh my god Der!! Who is this?" she said with I might say way too much excitement.

I looked over at Stiles smile plastered on my face as I interlock our hand. "Laura, Dustin, and Peter" I say getting their attention, "this is my boyfriend Stiles. Stiles this is Laura, Dustin and my uncle peter" I say pointing out each one of them as I say their name.

"DER!! He's so cute!!" Laura squealed and might I add quite loudly too. I look over at Stiles who is blushing like a lunatic. I give him a quite peck on the cheek, and turn my attention over to my family. "Yes I know! And he's mine." I say and everyone chuckles. "Well I might say just from knowing him. A whole ten minutes I like him more than I like the other kid. What was his name? Cam? No Antonio? Nope that doesn't sound right either. Patrick. Come on Derek help an uncle out here!" He says and I just couldn't help myself I burst out laughing at my crazy uncle

I look at them and smile still chuckling "Ryan Uncle Peter his name was Ryan. But that's doesn't matter right now because I have an amazing boyfriend right beside me" I say as I look at Stiles with a smile.

"Well that was sweet in all but I would really love to go home so can we?" Cora says with a slight eye roll. Mom was the first to start walking to the car as we all start to follow. Once we got outside it was truly a perfect day to be home. The drive to the old hale house wasn't too bad. It was odd seeing the old streets that I know so well. "Children I may or may have not called all your friends," Uncle Peter said with a cheeky smile. Cora cheered while I groaned don't get me wrong I'm really looking forward to actually seeing my old friends but I'm tired and I want to get settled in and even show Stiles around before we get to introducing all my friends.

Once we reached my old home, I could see the lights on and cars scattered throughout the driveway, and just like my new home in beacon hills, this house was also in the middle of nowhere and located in the preserve.

We all exit the car we all decide to leave the bags in the car until all of our guests have left. Once Stiles had finally got out of the car I laced my fingers with his sending him a smile, which he gladly returned, once we entered the house I was ripped away from my boyfriend. Very rudely I might add (I didn't appreciate that one bit) by my best friends Jake, Kyle, Sam, and Chris. All I could hear was a lot of ' dudes!' And ' hey man!' As I was being crushed by four football players I looked over at the rest of my family seeing them with very amused smiles on their faces. Stiles in particular looked like we wanted to burst out laughing, turning my attention back to my friends, patting them on the back.

"Dudes can't breathe," I said with no breath left in my lungs. They all let go simultaneously, I greeted them all with separate hugs then turning my attention back to my oh so lovely boyfriend. Giving him a nice big hug with a nice kiss. Gaining some wolf whistles from the guys. "Dude! Who it the guy?" Sam asked with a knowing smile. Just as I was about to answer the front door swung open revealing a very happy Paige.

"Derek!" She squealed running into my arms "I missed you. You big goof!" She said with a big smile, which mirrored mine. "I missed you too Paige!" I said with a laugh giving her one last squeeze before letting her go. She greeted the boys before turning her attention to Stiles. "Who's the hottie?" She asked everyone. The guys just shrugged. I stepped in front of him in a protective manner. "He is mine." I said with probably more force than necessary but whatever. Paige smiled at me with her hand up in a surrendering fashion. "whoa tiger I was just wondering who he was" she said with a smirk.

"This is Stiles this is Paige, Chris, Sam, Jake, and Kyle." I said pointing to each as I said their names. "Guys this is Stiles my boyfriend." I said getting many squeals in response even from the boys. "Boyfriend!" They all say at once.

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