24: Dying on the Bathroom Floor

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Dipper sighed, looking over at Bill. His pale blue eye was fixed on the television, which was currently playing yet another rerun of the critically un-acclaimed cartoon Steve World. The boy had let Bill watch one of 'his' shows, as the former demon literally would not shut up and was getting on Dipper's nerve. The cervitaur groaned as he watched yet another character suffer from a mental breakdown and burst into tears.

"Why do they cry so much?" The boy wondered aloud, absentmindedly chewing on a piece of lettuce.

Bill looked at the boy, tears at the corners of his eyes. "Have you even been--" the demon stopped when he noticed Dipper staring at him weirdly. "What?" He muttered flatly. Bill realized what his idiotic human eye was doing to him and rubbed at it, removing the salty water. "Stupid emotions. They never ask me their permission to make my eye rain." Dipper snickered, not trying to hide it from the injured man beside him. Bill looked at the boy, an irritated look on his face. "What the hell is your problem, Pine Tree?"

Dipper chuckled even more, grabbing at his stomach. "It--it's just--B-Bill Cipher, all powerful demon with no weakness is--is--" he attempted to collect himself. "You--you're crying at a TV show!"

The demon blushed, embarrassed. He frowned a few moments later, looking at Dipper. "Well if you hadn't started this whole Fluvius Flu outbreak I wouldn't even be here right now, kid." Bill thought. "My emotions are your fault," he said smugly, adjusting his position on Stan's yellow couch.

"Yet you pushed my pen into the water," Dipper remarked, standing up and moving in order to face Bill.

The demon froze, single eye wide and trying to think of a way to rationalize his original decision. Eventually he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck anxiously. "Relax, Pine Tree. I was just having some good-hearted fun! No needing to get all worked up about it!"

Dipper furrowed his brows, his mind wrenching deeper into thought. "Come to think of it, why did you even do that in the first place? If you had some sort of power to see the future like you'd claimed to, you would have seen this coming, right Bill?"

The demon rolled his pale blue eye. "You pathetic fleshbags can never wrap your mind around a simple concept, can you?" Bill threw his head back, huffing. "Oh that's right. I am a fleshbag," the former demon groaned. "I could see into the future, kid," he continued, "But in truth there's so many different scenarios that could play through it's really just a useless ability to harness," Bill muttered, running a finger from his good hand through his wavy blonde hair.

Dipper sighed, calming down. "Why'd you even come near the...Fluvius if you knew something like this could happen to you?"

Bill chuckled softly. "Ah, but that's where you're wrong, Pine Tree." The demon cleared his throat. "Realistically speaking, I shouldn't have been able to even touch the water, let alone be drowned by it," Dipper chuckled awkwardly. Bill rolled his eye, continuing on. "And there was thousands of other goddamn disgusting creatures in that forest that touched it and nothing happened." He sighed, slumping down in the chair. "I just had to be the special snowflake, didn't I? Now I'm a fleshbag who cries at cartoons and breaks his arm by falling down the stairs." It boggled the demon's mind that he was able to go from superior to his kind all the way to a meatbag who could barely function up to top meaty standards.

Dipper looked at the former demon beside him, feeling a pang of guilt for Bill. The whole Fluvius situation. It had been hard for all of them to get used to, but they still had their lives, which were untouched. For Bill it was different. Becoming a human had stripped him of his very identity, taking away his magic and home, if that's what you would call it.

Dipper looked back at the television, seeing another character begin to cry. Looking away, he felt his ears stand straight up as a crash sounded from Stan's room. Ignoring the sound, Dipper felt his ears. He shuddered. It was still weird to touch--and feel his deer ears, especially knowing that they were probably not going away anytime soon.

Well they could only hope, right?

Agent Jeff Trigger didn't sleep that night. And it was not because of the terribly hard, springy mattress in the dingy motel which vastly smelled like mildew--ok, so that was part of it too. But the other half consisted of an aching pain right in his abdomen. He knew it wasn't a stomach ache, or flu, for that matter, but the man couldn't quite discern exactly where it was coming from.

Trigger didn't feel like he was going to puke his guts out, but after feeling a particularly painful ache he made a beeline for the disgusting full bathroom. He opened the door, shut it, and turned on the lights, wincing as his eyes adjusted. The man almost actually threw up after seeing the disgusting shower. It looked like it was once a shiny bright white, but had since turned a light tan, mold growing out of the drain. "Damn, we're government based and we had to stay at this place?" What another disappointment by the U.S. government, Trigger mused, thinking to himself.

He fell to the floor, grasping his stomach as an immobilizing pain shot through his entire body. "Agh," he moaned. Trigger squeezed his eyes shut. This was the end, wasn't it? He was going to pass away on a gross motel bathroom floor with terrible, un-styled hair. The agent opened his eyes, black spots dancing across his vision. Slowly, Trigger grabbed his walkie-talkie from his pocket and messaged his colleague. "John...Powers, I just wanted you to know that.. you've been a good partner--and--and mentor and I would like to thank you for that. I am.. ugh..saying this because I am dying on the bathroom floor... good night...sir."

"I am..ugh.. saying this because I am dying on the bathroom floor... good night."

Agent Powers shot out of bed by instinct, the noise of the walkie talkie waking him. He paused to rethink what the device had said and who it was from. With quick analysis he already knew it was Trigger, but had he been joking when he said he was.. what was it... dying on the bathroom floor? The man didn't know. He never really understood jokes.

Powers knew that the message was real when he heard a groan coming from the bathroom. The man rushed over and immediately started to attempt to open the locked door. "Jeffery? Are you ok in there?" Powers inquired, huffing when he couldn't get in.

Trigger moaned from inside. "I...I see... pretty--pretty stars...sir..."

Powers stood back. So he was definitely not ok. "You wait a minute and I'll get you out of there." Trigger moaned in response. Hurriedly, Powers picked up a bobby pin (don't ask) from his bedside table, made his way back to the bathroom door and began picking the lock. Surprisingly, it held well and it took the government agent a few tries.

The man stood up, ready to open the door. He hoped that Trigger was just being overdramatic as usual and that it was only a mere stomach flu. However, when Agent Powers opened the door, he saw that this was much, much more than just an ordinary stomach flu.

"What the hell?"

He didn't know it yet, but while not the stomach flu, the Fluvius Flu had spread, and now his partner, Agent Jeff Trigger was its newest victim.


I'm sorry to any of you who are angry, but if you've been reading this story this long, you know me, and you know that I love cliffhangers. I just love seeing my readers suffer! (Lol jk) Anyways I am, once again, sorry for my absence. I just started high school and things have been crazy.....
The anniversary of this story is October 31st! (Yes I posted it on Halloween. Get with it.) I will try to have a chapter ready by then!
Love you guys! :3

In other news, I sprained my ankle. Yay :\

P.S. Sorry this is so short and terrible. I really haven't been delivering good things lately and am surprised you guys even still like this story. I would've left already lol. You get the gist.

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