Chapter 1

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Beth's P.O.V.
I looked down at the pregnancy test in my hands, impatiently waiting. I shake my head, realizing I had zoned out and look down. I gasp as my eyes start to fill with tears. I'm pregnant. Oh god, what will Dean say? He's told me before that he doesn't want kids. Sighing, I put the test in my back pocket and walk out of the bathroom once I've cleaned myself up. I hear the door slam, meaning the boys are back from their hunt. I shakily walk into the small kitchen in our little hotel room and sit on Dean and I's bed.
"What Beth?"
Great, he's obviously upset. I can't not tell him though. I have to tell him now or I know I'll back out.
"Would you ever change your mind about having kids?"
"No way in hell."
"But Dean-"
"How many times have we talked about this Beth? I don't want kids and even if I did, we aren't even dating. Stop bringing it up." He barked out, angrily.
Ouch, that hurt a bit. I know we aren't dating but I still try to believe that I'm the only one he wants, though I know that's not true.
"Dean." I whisper.
"This conversation is over, come here;" he pats his lap, "and sit with me, have a beer."
"I can't drink."
"Why not?"
"Because it wouldn't be responsible."
I look up as he starts laughing.
"When have you ever cared about being responsible?"
"Since I found out I'm pregnant." It was barely a whisper, but he heard you. You knew he heard you because as the words left your mouth his loud laughter was immediately silenced.
"Dean say something please."
I felt a tear trickle down my cheek and I quickly wipe it before he can see.
"I don't want it."
"It? This is a baby, Dean! Not an object."
"I don't want the baby."
I can feel my heart breaking in two.
"Dean please, we can work this out."
"You have to leave."
"Dean please don't do this. I don't have anywhere to go, at least let me stay until I find somewhere to go. I'm pregnant I can't sleep on the streets."
"You're not staying."
"Dean you're not kicking her out." I look up, not expecting to see the younger Winchester leaning against the wall, beside me. I gasp when I hear the chair hitting the wall behind the table. Dean jumps up and stomps over to Sam and I, my first instinct is to put my hands over my stomach and that's exactly what I do.
"I'm not interested in your child, I just want you out. I'm not going to hurt you."
"This isn't just my child, Dean." I mumble.
"Well it sure as hell isn't mine."
"Yes it is, Dean! You're the only person I've ever-" I pause, "been intimate with."
"That doesn't matter. If I don't want the damn thing then it isn't mine."
I've had enough. I can't believe him. I never thought he'd act this way. I don't say a word, I just get up and grab my bag. I shove my clothes and one of Dean's sweaters in it.
"That's uh- that's my sweater." He mumbles.
"I don't care."
I needed something that smelled like him. I wasn't giving it back. I look at Sam and point to the flannel on his bed, he just nods. I grab it and put it in my bag also. I was gonna miss Sammy so much. I walk passed Dean and hug Sam tightly and he does the same. We stood there for a good while until Dean coughed awkwardly.
"You guys have been hugging for like three minutes."
"So? I'm gonna miss him, Dean."
I lean in and kiss Sam softly on his cheek.
"I love you, boys." I immediately close the door to the hotel room. I didn't need to hear anything else. I heard shouting as soon as I closed the door. I feel bad for Sam. He shouldn't be defending me against his own brother. I realized that Sam had given me the keys to his car. He had his own now because Dean would always go to the bar or on a different hunt while he already had a case and needed it, so he got his own. I smiled and thought about taking them back in to him but that would be very awkward and I know Sam wouldn't take them back. Plus I need to get to Bobby's. I just hope he'll take me in. I throw my bag in the trunk and get in the drivers seat to call Bobby. It rings a couple times and then he picks up.
"Hey kiddo, what's up?"
"Uncle Bobby, I need a place to stay."
"You aren't with the boys?"
"It's quite a story, I'll fill you in later."
"Well yeah! Come on kid, I could use some company."
I smile.
"Thanks, uncle Bobby."
The line drops and I start the car, and with one hand on my stomach and the other on the wheel I head to Bobby's.
OKAY SO- don't get mad at me! 0-0 I know Dean nor Jensen would EVER do that! It's just a story. But I really hope this wasn't too bad but this is my first story so I know it's not great. Please vote and comment if you liked it💓

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