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Damn it, I think I grabbed someone else’s order,” Hoseok says, snatching the brown bag and scanning the receipt taped at the front. “I didn’t order the Original. Someone else ordered the Original.”

Namjoon sighs at his passive whining, “I’m going to be the Honest Ass here and say that I don’t understand why you need to go on a diet and watch your image. Seokjin won’t notice you anymore than he already hasn’t as anything more than coworkers and acquaintances.”

“Ouch,” Hoseok frowns, leaning back with his hand over his chest, feigning offense. “Shit, don’t be such a sourpuss. And anyway, I saw him checking out that one guy that always comes to do laps. I mean, he has an eight pack and looks like a fucking, I don’t know, like a Coke bottle or something.”

Namjoon squints, “You’re already skinny and muscular though. I’d fuck you, okay? I would. And that guy sounds like the definition of a douchebag.”

Yoongi rolls his eyes and sighs, raising a hand between them. “Okay, shut the fuck up and stop bickering,” he says, looking at the both them with irritated eyes. Yoongi nods towards the counter. “Just go tell them your order is wrong. There’s no one in line right now.”

Really, Baby (I Will Be Just Fine)Where stories live. Discover now