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I was running. Faster and faster. My F/C ears pricked up as I slowed down. He was so close. I could hear him.
Zane Ro'meave.

I couldn't run any more. I took deep breaths . I heard a low chuckle.

"You really thought you could escape me." Zane said in a deep growl.

"Please, I-I didn't do anything." I started backing away. "I can't control my kind. J-just let me be." I managed to studder because of the amount of fear on me.

My tail was low to the grownd, feared was clearly visible in my eyes.

Zane smirked. And suddenly pinned me to the tree. A sleigh screech escaped my mouth.

My breath got heavier.

"You can control when ever you enter the perimeter of okasis." A growl emitted from his chest "but to be honest  you did at the right time. I need some pleasure..." His smirk grew.

"Pl-please" I begged. Not shore what would happen.

He started lifting up my f/c dress.  My eyes widened in reliszatuon and I kicked and screamed but it was no use to his strength. He pinned me to the tree with one arm across my chest and his body weight on me.

As my dress was fully off he started roughly kissing me. He bit my bottom lip but I denied still trying to push him of me. My hands on his chest.

Zane growled and pulled my tail hard. I squeaked and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. Exsploring every inch Making our toungs intur wine.

I didn't bother to fight him for dominance because I was busy in a struggle.

He fought my Tung and one easily. Then pulled away.

Zane pushed me to my knees undressing himself. His massive boner popped out. It was at least 9 inches long.

I squinted my eyes shut trying to get away from it. No use. He had jammed me with his arms either side of me, the tree behind me.

"Suck" he commanded.

I shook my head slowly tears pricking my eyes as I whimpered.

He smacked me hard across the face. Grabbing my chin hard to keep me looking his way then he pushed him self inside of me. I gagged a bit. He grabbed my head bobbing it up and down. He groaned. Louder and louder eventually He came into my mouth.

He made me swallow it by shutting  my mouth and grabbing my throats chocking it down.

He then pushed me to the ground pulling of my pantys and bra. Tears were poring down my eyes now. He grabbed my left boob with one hand and started squeezing it. His other hand was squeezing my ear. He lined him self up and thrusted right into me. I screamed out as loud as I could. Not waiting for me to A just he thrusted in to me getting harder and deeper each time.

I screamed again and again.

He groaned loud and he grabbed both my breast this time squeezing them hard. I cried out more. Eventually his thrust got sloppy and he stopped. After cumming into me.

I was not in a good state. Lying on the ground crying as he got up and dressed himself. Then out of a bag he had on him that was sitting next to him when he raped me. He pulled out a metal collar and tied it to a tree with a metal chain. As he walked of.

Pain consumed my lower region and I squinted my eyes shut trying to breath slowly.

Why didn't I stay out of o'hkasis.

My little Secret *Zane X Necko Reader* Where stories live. Discover now