The Necko Girl

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I yawned as I woke, yawning and rolling over I noticed Zane was gone.

I the dark oak side table had a little boxs with a note on the top. Plus a plate of food.

I sat up in the bed still covers by the thin black sheet.

I looked around the room again.

I saw a dresses. From the handle hung a dress.
It was short barley above the knees. The whole top was white with a black belt and black lace carefully decorated into a flower patten.

 The whole top was white with a black belt and black lace carefully decorated into a flower patten

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I scanned the room again making shore know one ells was in there. Zane's black curtain that hung infront of the deck door were closed. Making the room really dull.

I got up quickly tiptoeing over to the dress and put on some undergarments and the dress.

It was shorter then I normally liked my dresses and there was know tail hole so my tail was squished up against her body uncomfortably.

I walked over to the bed side table and picked up the note that was carfullu followed.

It read:

Dear Y/N, love

Do not leave this room today I know that is frustrating but if anyone spots you they'll have your head. I've left out a dress for you and brought in some breakfast hope you like bacon and eggs. I also left you a little something.

I'll be back at 12:00 to give you some lunch but will have to dash, at dinner time I'll need your help with something, I'll tell you then what it is.


(A/N: If you can't eat bacon and eggs change it)

A small grumble left my lips, this day would not be fun.

I looked over to the food.

Set out neatly was to toast with butter, 1 egg and a couple pieces of bacon.

I quickly ate that enjoying the flavour with every bite.

Once I was done I took the box and opend it. Inside was a beautiful necklace. It had a silver chain that led down to a black and silver pointed cross.

 It had a silver chain that led down to a black and silver pointed cross

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