The Dungeon

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Later Zane came back in the room. He locked the door again and came to stand next to me. I had started reading the book again. I looked up into his amazing blue orb.

"I said I need help with something. Come over here so I can explain." He said he was clearly tired it showed in his voice.

I followed him to the bed sitting next to him, but he didn't like that he picked me up by the waist and plopped me onto his lap. "Now" he breathed into my ear "let me explain"

I nodded

"I'm looking for something, something special.... A relic." He started "you were reading that book.... You know anything about the Devine warriors?"

"I didn't get that far in and I don't know much myself."

He nodded. "Did you read about the Devine warriors, and there relics?"

"Yes, I read that there were six Devine warriors, each with a different power created from the relic, there was Irene, Enki, Esmund, Shad, Menphia and Kul'Zak they all lived in different regions and were worshipped. But none was worshiped the most then Irene." I explained every detail I new about them or could remember,witch was not much.

Zane nodded. "Irene was the most powerfulness, she held the strongest relic, maybe beside shad but his relic is long gone. Anyways Irene relic is still here in this would, in a demetion called 'the Irene demention'  I've been looking my whole life until now I've found a way to enter that demention and claim the relic as mine" my eyes widened as he said this.

Zane with the most powerful relic ever. That can't be good.

"How?" I asked interested how he could travel to another dimension  with no 'cost'.

"That's not important" he resorted to "what's important is you finding as much as you can about Irene herself. Know need to ask why, you'll find out soon enough, will you do that for me" he whispered into my ear.

It send a chills along my spine but I nodded. "Good kitty~" he purred slightly stroking my left ear. "If you can do that for me I'll reward you tomorrow~" he said sextruly.

I blushed slightly looking down to hide it.

It was already late and Zane was going to bed as well as me. We lade over the covers since of the heat lately.

He pulled me into his chest.

Later I couldn't get to sleep.

That girl was stuck in my head. Zane had already rolled over to himself.

Then a idea sprung to mind. I'll go meat her.

I'll hide in the shadows, the guards won't spot me. I'll be back before sunrise and before Zane wakes up.

I snuck out of the bed and to the closet there shore to be a dark clothe in here or something.

There hung a black Cloke a flipped it on and raced towards the window. I opend the curtain and door quietly and snuck out side. The wind blew of my hood and against my ears, it felt nice.

I flipped it back on and walked to the edge.on the railing and slowly scooted around so I was near the wall. There was a lower deck under me now and under that a garden.

I jumped to the deck as quiet as I could. Then fell down.

I scrapped my knee but nothing to bad. Quickly I ran towards the dungeons.

My little Secret *Zane X Necko Reader* Where stories live. Discover now